The hard work for the benefit of the worshipers and the country is a virtue, and it is the wish of every great man with a wide-ranging vision with a great heart and an enlightened mind, and whoever is this will be given this honorable security. If he is given to him, he will be his pioneer and the engine of his roots, So that there is a mole between the great works and he is amazed by the distaste and the loss. If he is from a man like Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, who is believed by Abu Wael al-Hanafi, Bakr ibn al-Natah (192)

He has no end to his elders ... and his smallest desire for ever

He had a rest, if his goodness was spread ... On the land was the land of Andi from the sea

His work is a well-known act, and this is Dubai in particular and the UAE in general is witnessing this. He built the city of civilization, surpassed the cities of the world with the old foot, which established a government that raced the days in its achievements, excellence, brilliance, system, justice, security and foresight. The governments of the world, who is working with his government on the basis of self-denial, and look at the distant future as if present in his hands .. A man working half a century and still works for such God willing, how to be rewarded by the people at least ?! This is difficult because the bone of grace requires a great fulfillment. There was no greater trick in the hand than thanks to this pioneering leader, and praise for him for his family. This is the effort of the stronghold, but in fact he has a great impact on the same person who knows that thanksgiving is the creation of loyal people. Because of the recognition of disability, the declaration of loyalty, the preservation of friendship, and willingness to keep the march, and walk on that approach, and made a lot of time and condition and money for it; therefore the gesture of those who appreciate this great work right, which is His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed - may God bless him - to his loyal people to express his thanks to this great leader and builder of Sorouh glory; Thanks to the praise and praise, this generous gesture was motivated by the conscientious conscience of the loyalty to its leader, who has the unlimited ambition of his people and his country, and in the expressions of thankful that Fuad joy this concern, because he worked for a nation that knows the value of the work he did, Then she is not unaware of him, yes it is so:

People accuse those who praise a man ... unless they see the effects of charity

All people saw this man's charity for his people, especially his Arab and Islamic nation, and even for humanity. They saw this through his contribution to education, enlightenment, health, relief, and so on, which benefit people and stay in the ground, touch them with their senses and live in their reality. Prisoners of charity, and as Abu Al-Fatah said:

Better to people enslave their hearts ... As long as man enslaved Ihsan

The thanks of those who offer a little bit of giving and giving is a right for him, which is a proof of nobility in the interview of this little, so how much gave the most will offer? The merit of thanking him for this is as great as he has presented, and this is the impotence, so the recognition of virtue and the supplication of good will remain, for it may reward some charity, which is what the beloved Prophet, peace and blessings of God be upon him, said: "Who made you a favor and rewarded him if you did not find what you rewarded "Pray to Allaah for him until you see that you have been rewarded for him," because the du'aa 'is for him to ask for his reward for his knowledge of the King of Kings, the Holy Grader, who has the treasures of the heavens and the earth in his hands.

If you want to find a trace in your soul, your offspring and your people, and in your world and in your life, God has increased you by virtue of his goodness and generosity. What you enjoy is like what you have done for the benefit of your people and your nation. Moulak the Almighty.

"The thanks of those who offer a little bit of giving and giving is a right to him, which is the evidence of nobility in the interview of this little, so how much gave the most will provide?".

«Chief Inspector of the Department of Ifta in Dubai»

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