News from the island

  • The eighth anniversary of the revolution .. Mubarak "witness" and youth revolution prisons
  • The January revolution shook Egyptian-Israeli relations, and the Sisi coup proved its foundations
  • On the eighth anniversary of the January revolution, where are the symbols of the Mubarak regime?
  • How did Sisi use the judiciary to fight the January Revolution?
  • The anniversary of the revolution of January 25 .. Security alert and no invitations to demonstrate

With the memory of the revolution and eight years later, with all the melodies of longing and longing for revolution, he is the 90-year-old who is looking at us. He is with his face wrinkles and with his usual convention he came after he suffered greatness. He is witnessing us as a witness to the revolution that has stripped him of 30 years of non-politics.

Tell us, Mubarak, tell us all your self in revenge for a group of young people threw you and your family to the farce of history, tell us about the corruption and ignorance of thirty years, told us about the rigged elections and the killing and torture under the law, Tell us about more than 250 martyrs killed by your oppressive devices! Sane than expected the coming of Mubarak in one day witness to the revolution ?! The judge will call him, and he will be greeted like nobles, and with all eloquence tells us the details of the American-Israeli-Iranian-Turkish conspiracy that overthrew him! The days and years will go by and will continue to be mentioned in the deposed president at the hands of the young. No matter how long the situation worsens, a fascist dictator will continue to ruin Egyptian political and economic life with "tax capitalism".

Revolutionary Reviews
The definition of a political revolution is a means to a specific goal or goal, whether it is freedom, dignity or economic improvements, but in reality we saw the revolution as an end and not a means! On February 11, 2011, we officially overthrew the Mubarak regime, so I felt like asking ourselves, "Mubarak has fallen, what should we do? We have neglected millions behind us, waiting for the results and the fulfillment of the promises of the revolution, especially the improvement of economic conditions! A simple citizen whose ambitions are far from a pension and a suitable job for his unemployed son, he does not understand the meaning of democracy or capitalist capitalist conflicts and does not seek complex ideological policies! We believed that 80 million Egyptians are their only goal, like us youth, freedom and the application of a true democracy based on freedom, dignity and free opposition blocs.

With all the regret and pain of the oldest to apologize for every traitor and corrupt and dictatorship of 60 years insulted your history and your people beautiful ..

They put us into useless side conflicts. One of them calls the ears in the People's Assembly and the other deplores the failure of one of the Egyptian currents to recognize the "Holocaust"! We do not accept each other, my friend in the revolution, but I do not want you to govern even if you won the majority, the former wins the majority, but the second is different ideologically and refuses to sit with him, the second refuses to involve him in power, the first resorted to the army to overthrow the first of the government! The question is, do the Egyptian currents and movements have the ability to provide reviews? Do we have the courage to do this? Or will we continue to cling to each other and enjoy throwing the charges against each other, this is Khan al-Thawra and this is an agent with agendas!

Dr. Amr Hamzawy, "Egyptian politician participated in the demonstrations of 30/6, which overthrew the rule of the Brotherhood" in the Arab Channel 2016: "The call for early presidential elections in 2013 in a country like Egypt politically unstable and unconstitutional, was like the temple on the heads of everyone, and indeed paved the way for the coup I do not find any defect in presenting revisions .. Calling for early presidential elections is a democratic and legitimate process, but under the circumstances then and with the entrenchment of internal parties And external to the revolution was unacceptable.

The Brotherhood and Morsi have failed administratively, politically and economically. Many liberal and secular elites have colluded with the military security component and have been silent about the Fourth massacre until after a few months they have agreed in a clear form of "double standards" to those who have become " A great revolution, we called it January, let me say, Shawali, with those words: "Listeners!" In the era of denial and the age of Alzheimer's, January, which turned millions, here are the millions who gave them freedom, added to Egypt a sense of splendor and cost between wounded and martyr. It has "spring" stabbed Her loved ones before their opponents and Nkerha relatives before Baad January. From the meaning of dignity taught, now become just a memory and a catastrophe. What is now January then in the market Mivouk .. do not forget my pillow, January did not end the power to be sold at the auction. "

From a young man who participated in the revolution and all events and events from 2011 until now to my martyred friend, I sent you a message full of sadness: "Our failure!" We failed to embody the revolution from the field to the government, our failure to unite and divide us into divisions and streams, convinced us of futile side conflicts, but rest assured, we have not yet become desperate, and a day will come when we will try everyone who has betrayed, killed and insulted the history of that country "to that beautiful eight years I'm still holding on to the last shred of hope to make you a free nation that is governed by the principles of democracy. Freedom and dignity.

A few months ago I completed my twenty-second year, allowing me some lines. "I still have a revolutionary mind that does not break the meaning of revolution and freedom. January still has all its beautiful memories. My mind is still crying over every detainee, politics still kills me slowly but I can not let it go I'm still a lover for you beautiful, I stand before sunset in my balcony to see your flag flying from the top of the school next door to my house ... My mind is a rebellious rebel against all forms of dictatorship. My Dreams In 2011 By purifying you of all rotten, I think In traveling away from me, but I go back and miss you do not stronger on your comparison, do you love me as I love you? "