News from the island

  • Pompeo is conducting strategic dialogue talks in Doha
  • Israeli Chief of Staff: We hit thousands of Iranian targets in Syria without a declaration
  • What is the secret of rising oil prices? Will it survive?
  • Suha Jabara: She was severely tortured in the prisons of the Palestinian Authority
  • Houthis torture Yemeni military to death

With the emergence of social networking sites opened the horizons for everyone to express what everyone wants after having been confined to sites and newspapers, these sites revealed an electronic epidemic and opened the space for a number of patients with fame to get out of their holes, an old disease, but with the emergence of social networking sites Found a more fertile ground to highlight these patients .. This category claims the culture and knowledge looking for fame and walk all the twisted ways to reach them, whatever these methods, are the rule: contrary to know.

They find the most sensitive subjects in their society. They know that the tongues will be either supporters or oppressors. Undoubtedly, bitter reality, wars, misery, poverty and bad morals are the hallmarks of that. Ibn Khaldun says: The vacuum is also a major reason for the emergence of this category. The truth is that if we go back together a bit, we will find that this sick mentality was not the result of the moment, but since the formation of the modern Arab mind when Napoleon conquered Egypt from then and the Arab mind feel inferiority, subordination and defeatism, you find that just reading a book what holes in his mind leaks a lot of ideas has It adopts strange ideas that have nothing to do with our reality. As Ibn Khaldun said: The Knob is never fond of following in most of his motto, his uniform, his bee, and all his conditions and returns. The reason is that the soul never believes in perfection. Just a fake copy without a soul like statues.

Social networking sites have become a way to satisfy desires, a false space for patients, a review and an area that pollutes the environment of human consciousness and the spread of vanity

We go back to the patients of social networking sites start this category by expressing topics such as religion and sex in a confrontational and shameless manner without knowledge or knowledge or purpose to search for a solution to the issue of concern to the community only because the community did not get them and when the first step begins to publish an article or text poetry or a picture to get comments between The author of the page looks at the interaction begins to feel the importance of himself and holds himself a big responsibility may reach the belief in his role and ability to influence and change and controlled by a sense that others are waiting for what he will say or publish it, but arrives in the text of an idea and a quarter of consciousness that he runs the time to make Events and change the course of history of the social networking pages.

The ego begins to swell gradually until it reaches the explosion and begins to develop the disease and the events and thoughts and images and chase behind them to increase the appearance and collect the largest number of fans and followers, even if it is at the expense of the dignity of others or their beliefs and sanctities and begins harassing everything to draw attention to the degree forgotten by all laws and Nothing but a tongue says what I see you except what I see. The search for fame has become a disease or a syndrome of fame if we may call it and this disease achieves self-satisfaction and ecstasy of its place in society and it has become a lot of talk recently.

Social networking sites have become a way to satisfy desires, a false space for patients, a review and an area that pollutes the environment of human consciousness and the spread of vanity. As the windmills have no use, while the subjects that are portable in human issues and concerns and aspirations, no one approaches or discusses them, but despite the illusion that may leak to their minds that they are famous but the bitter truth that they do not want to know is that fame is not based on creative content and knowledge is the case Temporary will fade into mirage.

These sites do not establish a value that lasts only what is called the same value, but what we should know that the state of vacuum and emptiness and the crisis of the subconscious is expanding and the memory of the Assembly all these make objects in all areas and it gives them a space of false light to appear, especially those who grow up to respond to them under the name of reply On the suspicion of increasing the manufacture of stars and if only there was awareness of there was a millimeter of space for these patients.