Married between 1965 and 1980, they formed an iconic couple of the yéyé generation. More than a year after the death of Johnny Hallyday, Sylvie Vartan released a cover of covers songs of the rocker, in tribute to the latter.

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"The choice of songs was self-evident". Fifteen titles including Retiens at night , The penitentiary or I promise you are in the album With you Sylvie Vartan. At Anne Roumanoff's Wednesday, the interpreter of "Love is like a cigarette" explains that "the choice of songs has imposed itself". "Already, in the tribute I give him on stage since last spring, I sing some of the songs," says the artist. Obviously, in the choice of titles, Sylvie Vartan was keen to recall the relationship that bound her to Johnny Hallyday. "I added songs that told my story because they were our story as well," she says.

"I knew the craze, but at that point". And if there is one song that illustrates the relationship between Sylvie Vartan and Johnny Hallyday, it's That I love you . A classic rocker, released in 1969, to reconquer the heart of Sylvie Vartan. "It seems indeed," confirms amused the interested. "At the moment, I did not hit, it's Gilles Thibaut (the lyricist, editor's note) who revealed this to me," says Sylvie Vartan.

More than a year after the death of the singer, the one who had indicated that she did not have the heart to listen to the posthumous album of Johnny Hallyday, said she did not expect the rocker to leave such a trace in the population. "I knew the craze, but at that point, I did not think".