News from the island

  • A bomb officer was killed near a church east of Cairo
  • Bolton in Israel to reassure her about the US withdrawal from Syria
  • Invitations to demonstrate today in Sudan and the government warns of "sabotage"
  • Bashir to ask him to step down: Prepare for the elections of 2020
  • Newspapers: Because of Israel, Egypt sought to prevent the broadcast of the interview, "CBS"

But before he threw himself from the edge of the mountain, he saw a small butterfly fly next to him in bright colors, remembering his little girl who loved the butterflies, remembering her once when she ran behind a butterflies trying to He clung to her, and his heart was upset and his face was numb and his limbs were numb, his eyes were hot, he returned to his car and set off.

This is one of the traditional examples of the triumph of the will of life on death, since the human being wants to live, wants to complete this life with all its pains, difficulties and disappointments, clings to life by its will and wants to stay even if survival is suffering, even if hope is missing, even if The chances of happiness are lacking. For example, a person who is condemned to death rejoices if the sentence is commuted to life imprisonment, although his subsequent life is certainly not the life that we have always been fighting. The man's clinging to life is manifested when the precious and the noble in the fight against some diseases are subjected to drug treatments or surgical interventions In order to increase the chances of marriage Of his life a year or two and sometimes several months only! It is not an easy matter to deal with, it is a great adventure and leap that needs knowledge, philosophical and psychological equipment that I do not claim to possess. But all I want to do is try to raise the question only.

I was still working in the Department of Internal Medicine when one of my colleagues asked me to persuade a patient to install a tube to discharge the fluid from his abdomen. He was old and very old because his heart muscle was weak in the fluid pool all over his body. And apologizes in a polite manner without showing the reason for his rejection, and after several attempts to say a word to me ended the discussion, he said what it means: My son I want to die and I am elegant, at that moment seems to have convinced me, I wish him good and went out, At that very moment his presence seemed larger and deeper than his life, and he had considerations beyond mere Ziad Years of life, seemed to be defeated on the survival instinct in favor of self-respect.

Survival instinct is one of the paradoxes of the mind before the inevitability of death, and as it is said that the mind is not pure, it is emotionally confused, and in this abstract and emotional mix, the person still wants to stay amazingly asking questions

From an evolutionary point of view, it can be interpreted negatively by saying that man wants to survive because if that were not the case today, for many years the genes that lead the human being to survive have been elected and those that lead to the annihilation have been excluded. From its back door and to treat the results by looking at them in an empty way. It is acceptance of the results as the first and last link in the cognitive chain. I see in this a great negativity that does not tell the human desire to reach a teleological meaning that surrounds its existence.

From a psychological point of view, Freud sees that man has two instincts, the instinct of life and the instinct of death, and that he is always in a constant conflict. In this, the question is only one step forward. Why does the survival instinct often triumph over the instinct of death? The overwhelming majority is to live, not to commit suicide! It is necessary to talk about suicide. It is the opposite bank. Since man's pursuit of survival is the basis, suicide is considered a satisfactory condition and an abnormal act. A person must wish to survive and even defend it even if he is at the bottom of human homes. Therefore, research into survival instinct must include extensive and extensive research into the issue of suicide. Many ideas are taught by looking at their antithesis first or by using contrast to reveal and take care of the other's connotations.

As the Western-based science today, suicide is reduced as a symptom of a psychiatric illness in its typical form of depression. Depression is interpreted as a product of electrical and chemical imbalances in the brain, most notably the lack of a neurotransmitter called serotonin, but is it just that simple? You do not seem to see what life is like in a suicide bomber at that crucial moment when I end his life? What happened to the instinct of survival at that moment? It is necessary to study the matter without dogmatic fanaticism and not ideological spasm, but purely scientific method aimed at searching and extracting semantics.

From a religious point of view, it is clear and straightforward. For God Almighty is a human mushroom for the love of life. Otherwise, man would not have been able to rebuild the earth, seek it and multiply it. If it had not been for this psychological miracle, "Life is a woman who is pregnant with death, and those who do not feel within him can not feel life," says Adonis. Abdul Rahman Badawi sought to establish a general doctrine of existence on the basis of the problem of death, and the instinct of survival is one of the paradoxes of the mind before the inevitability of death. As it is said that the mind is not pure, it is emotionally confused, In this abstract and emotional mix, one still wants to remain surprisingly inviting.