In Basel, Switzerland, a seven-year-old died after a brutal knife attack. A 75-year-old woman is said to be responsible for the violent death. But after the attack on Thursday, the investigators doubt the guilt of the woman.

She would now be psychiatric assessed, said the prosecutor in Basel. According to this, she had fled to the direction of a park after the fact - but informed by SMS to several people and institutions that she had stabbed a child. Afterwards, she asked. According to the investigators, the woman knew neither the boy nor his family.

Teacher found boy in pool of blood

The student had been attacked by the school on Thursday afternoon on the way home. He was injured with a knife and had severe stab wounds on his neck, the prosecutor said.

Passers-by and a teacher from his school who came by on a bicycle found the boy in a pool of blood and alerted the ambulance, the investigators said. Resuscitation attempts and emergency surgery at the Children's Hospital could not save his life.