“The film that we all know is 184 minutes, the full installation version is 204 minutes. The director usually cuts something out of the full editing version. But his father, among other things, was forced to make censorship cuts. And in order to restore the author's version, you need to leave those pieces that he did not want to throw out, that is, to restore the “censor pieces” and remove what he himself cut from the picture. It’s 196 minutes, ”RIA Novosti quotes Tarkovsky Jr.

According to him, in the full version the tape becomes clearer and more logical.

He noted that all other films remained as their father had “conceived,” and such a story happened to “Rublev”. ”

“When it was released in 1966, it was put on the shelf, the premiere took place in 1971, almost simultaneously with Solaris. By the way, for the Italian rolled out of the "Solaris" cut out 45 minutes. And only ten years ago we showed the full version in Italy, ”he added.

Andrei Rublev is a historical film drama that Tarkovsky shot in 1964-1965 at the Mosfilm studio.

The work did not like the cinematic Soviet leadership and lay on the shelf until 1971, when it was released in limited rental.

In the summer of 2017, kp.ru reported that the first in the world monument to Andrei Tarkovsky was opened in Suzdal.