Actor Son Seung Won was caught while driving under the influence of alcohol.

According to the Seoul Metropolitan Police Department, Seong-won Son was driving while driving on a road near Cheongdam-dong, Seoul, at 4:20 am.

Seung-won's driving vehicle collided with a vehicle that crossed the center line, and two people on board the vehicle were reported to have been injured. The blood alcohol level at the time of Seungwon's detection was 0.206%, which was the license revocation level.

Police investigation revealed that Seungwon had already had his license canceled. He was arrested for drunken driving, and he was arrested for drunk driving in an unlicensed state.

Police said, "Immediately after the accident, the driver reports that the driver has escaped and is in the process of investigating." Son Seung Won denies the current escape.

Son Seung Won has been active in many musical stages such as 'The Day of the Days', 'The Headwig', 'The Man Breaking the Wall', and has gained popularity in the drama 'Waikiki Brothers', 'Youth Age 2'

(SBS funE Kang Kyung Yun)