News from the island

  • Erdogan Receives Jordanian Prime Minister
  • Israeli missiles hit the suburbs of Damascus
  • Two civilians killed in Tel Afar attack
  • Indian state bans Muslim prayer in parks
  • Houthis accuse Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates of violating the ceasefire in Hodeidah

Over the past few days, General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi has been subjected to a series of inflammatory statements, as if the fear of the year 2018 was to be uttered without the Egyptian people being beaten in all its sects and levels. He was following these unique statements that made Halim long When Egypt listened to it or read it, Egypt found itself close to ending the stage of the Republic of Laughter, turning it into a republic of no-purpose, no wonder. The general and his gang succeeded in making them the home of all the contradictions and dilemmas. Here, Mzarethm those that can not see or live only Mtkhma income and cronies system is entangled in its orbit and swim praise.

The most prominent of these statements is the statement of the first agricultural expert in Egypt, Abdul Fattah al-Sisi during the opening of the first phase of the national project of the agricultural plant, which is based on the National Company for Protected Cultures, of the Egyptian armed forces in the tenth of Ramadan, northeast of Cairo on Saturday 22 December, saying: What do people mean if you eat oranges and Egyptians, you do not eat anything? "Far from the fact that organic foods are high in price compared to traditional foods, they are not much different in shape, taste and quality than traditional ones. The main reason is that they need more water and a larger area of ​​land. Crown the same amount of traditional food.

Then came the doctor of philosophers in a country suffering from water scarcity and destroyed the general inspired during his rule lean most of the crops and food and cash crops at the speed of the missile and put them at risk of thirst by signing unconditionally on the agreement with Nahdha Dam with Ethiopia, which all experts concerned that the Convention threatens Egypt's share of the Nile water And more than one-third of its people live below the poverty line, according to the CAPMAS report in 2015. Since then, official Egyptian authorities have refrained from stating the poverty rate in Egypt, which indicates all signs and indications of increased Bot Rh accelerated if taking into account several things, such as the pound float and reduce its value against the dollar and the application of the IMF program and the continued rise in prices are crazy and unprecedented.

Al-Sisi goes with Egypt and its people to the policy of the collection of any taxes and taxes and increase prices and absorb and dry the assets and assets of the state free of any real development additions and does not deal with any methodology to prevent the collapse and regression


The same general who markets the illusion of the organic free of any additions or factors realistic or logical and feasible and feasible is the same who demands the Egyptians to economize on expenses and reduce their weight and determine their offspring and he and his system to reduce their incomes by force of various decisions and invitations, the most recent will not be the final demand Parliament and the Egyptian government To deduct a sum of money from every citizen who receives state funds for the disability fund during his speech last Monday as part of the World Day for Persons with Disabilities.

The same ceremony witnessed an incident reminiscent of the sacraments of the Roman Catholic Church centuries ago when the Minister of Awqaf, Mohamed Mokhtar Gomaa, donated 20 million pounds to the Fund for the Support of the Sons of Egypt, announced by Ghada Wali, Minister of Social Solidarity. The general does not joke at all about collecting money and collecting it in various ways. He is the owner of the famous saying: "Hidtafah means Hidtaf". It seems that he is the house of intention and the placement of the waqf funds, which are estimated at hundreds of billions. J achieved a issued in the July 2016 presidential decree to form a committee to limit the funds of Awqaf Authority.

In the course of my continuous follow-up to the statements of the inspiring general and his faction and the relentless quest to reap everything that can reach them from their hands of the funds of Egypt and its capabilities and the savings and the voices of its people and not only this, but adds with determination and deliberately on the shoulders of the current generation and generations followed by hills of debt and loans that make Fakak Egypt's dependence on loan providers from various countries and institutions, foremost of which is the International Monetary Fund (IMF), is far from attainable and makes Egypt's sovereignty and independence independent of direct threat.

I am reminded of the verses of poetry of the deceased Mtbi in 965 AD, said in one of them (slept the legends of Egypt for foxes .. has lost and the destruction of clusters) which means that the pilots "guards the resources and the money of the Egyptian people" have stopped monitoring and hunt foxes, "thieves" It is a very accurate description of the successive governments and applies exactly to successive military governments, which landed in Egypt to the back of nations and at the bottom of the world ranking of everything that is good and developed and in the forefront of everything that is bad in various fields.

In the second, he said: "How many people in Egypt are funny? But he laughed like a cry." The House explains itself without any ambiguity and expresses clearly and unambiguously the situation of Egypt and its people under the rule of the general who is gripped on Monday. And the stability while on the ground did not remain a disaster or a disaster only the eyes and lived by the Egyptians, to apply the general literal term the term of the organic reverse, organic food is produced from plants that are not genetically modified and do not deal with any chemicals manufactured during the stages of growth, and Sisi pursue with Egypt and its people policy Any collection of Organic, taxes and price increases and the absorption and drying capabilities and state assets free from any development add-ons really do not deal with any educational, economic, political or military methodology to prevent its collapse and Tgahqrha.