Experts in the public relations and specialists set a set of tips to take practical steps away from marital problems and differences between couples to enjoy a happy life free of wrath and tension and came at the top of those tips to stay away from talking in the mistakes of the past, especially thorny ones, which takes a long time to eliminate the effects.

"If your husband has committed a mistake in the past and you can not forgive him, you have to take serious steps to correct what has been ruined, through candid and sincere talks, to discuss your feelings about what happened and how to escape these negative emotions," she said.

Experts believe that truthfulness and honesty can inspire a positive spirit in the relationship, but lying would destroy the relationship between the couple as it starts with some small lies, until it accumulates and becomes a life full of lies and eliminate almost all people.

The researchers did not overlook the raising of children, where they pointed to this can be a means to destroy the marriage, if agreed between the parties on standardized methods of education.

The experts advised the wife to talk to her husband about the goals in raising children, and the main principles that must be respected and not broken, and work together as a team to raise children best picture away from the hearing of children or involvement in them.