Men also have looks. And it is also important. What determines it?

If we talk about mass manifestations, then from the jewelry, men have only watches, from the procedures for personal care - shaving and haircut. The haircut has already been erected in some kind of new cult, which must be served in the so-called barbershop.

But shaving - I would like to leave a shave. This shkrybanye blades on the chin - a purely male procedure. Do you understand? This is for men - an intimate moment, a minute of reflection, a minute of contemplating themselves in the mirror. It seems that I still nothing. Especially when shave.

Shaving is an island of masculinity in the ocean of transgender tolerance. But men survived from this island. Now we are offered to think about how we are the worst of all, even when we shave.

We are oppressors, aggressors and sources of destructive behavior.

There is a well-known company that produces blades and shaving machines, proudly calls it “razor systems”, has a huge market share and a slogan in his teeth as early as the 90s.

A couple of days ago, this company released a new commercial, in which it no longer advertises blades and does not show new machines. No, now this company offers nothing to a man, it demands from a man. Require abandon masculinity.

In the commercial, the boys fight relatively innocently; some distance away are the caricature American fathers who grill meat and say in chorus: "Boys will always be boys." Then the young man whistles after the passing beauty, the other guy - black - pushes him off with a breast from whom it is unclear and says: "Not cool, man, not cool."

A loose, full-bodied and clearly breathless mother hugs her slender son, and a crowd of hooligans runs past, and the terrible word “bulling” sounds - which means that the weakness of the weak is strong, bullying.

The general message of advertising is: no matter what is best for a man, it is important that a man become better for others.

Guys, I just wanted to shave. Why do you teach me life?

Your parent has a turnover of $ 65 billion a year. All this money you have ripped off from me and those like me. From those who buy your machines, blades, feminine pads, toothpaste, toilet cleaners and very bad shampoo (supposedly from dandruff).

Why did you decide that for my money you can teach me life? Do you think that the manufacturer of liquid soap (well, even a shaving cream) can make me think about whether I live correctly? Are millions of men living right around the world? Do we look right at women, do we raise children correctly, do we fry meat on Sundays correctly?

The only thing that I had to think about after viewing this advertisement is that I will not shave for the time being. And if I renew this procedure, excuse me, grooming, then I will buy a machine of another brand that just sells blades and does not feed me with the stale moral code of the liberal-tolerant Komsomol member.

In a world of endless diversity, men have become the most comfortable bugbear. When everyone needs to be deliberately and forcedly respected, everyone to bow and shake hands with everyone, it remains to frighten only men. Because men - especially heterosexual and not quite so poor - this is the category that seems to be considered privileged by default. Men have nothing to be offended. This they all offended. That's just everyone! Indians, children, aliens, mental disabilities, veterans, peoples of the north, women, transgender people. In general, everyone who is not a man. Although those who are male, too. If you are offended, it means that you are already in a winning position. You do not need to apologize, you do not need to repent, you do not need to think about your behavior and blame look at the floor.

Sorry that I was born a man. Yes, there is still this bristle nasty. Let me shave. Oh, no? You are not selling blades now, but are teaching life? Clear. And what about the bristles to be? And before you had to think? Thank. I will consider.

The first advice is how not to be guilty of everything: try not to be born a man. Did not work out? Themselves to blame!

Activists of the so-called gender studies have now agreed that gender, that is, gender, is not at all two, but from 41 to 58. Not years. And genders! There are adrogins, there are undersexuals, there are cisgenders who migrate from the male to the female state, of course, hermaphrodites, transsexuals and pangenders.

After I learned all this, I live with the anticipation of the appearance of 58 types of toilet cubicles at the stadium. Although stadiums will be canceled - this is too masculine.

Modern progressive thought has made its icon diversity - diversity. You can be anyone, and any choice should be socially accepted. The world is so wide, cheerful and kind that there will be a place for everyone, and everyone else should happily accept the new that appears in it.

If all the colors of the visible spectrum are applied to the disk by sectors, and then the disk is unwound, you will not see bright colors flickering, you will not see rainbow blending - you will see a gray color in which no shades can be distinguished.

The same thing happens with society. Variety rushes at breakneck speed, mixing all individualities in a pile of half-dead meat.

Of course, you can be anyone. Just not who you used to be, and not who you want to be. It doesn't matter that you are a man. It is important that you become comfortable for the rest.

And without this, now they won't even give you a shave.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.