Above modern radical feminism made good laugh. Well, no matter what the woman is, she’s just there. We all read the Bible and know from it that the Lord created a woman for a reason, and to help a man. What is the status of a woman and remained for a time, as long as men discovered new lands, the laws of the universe and so on.

The twentieth century has changed a lot in the destiny of a woman destined by the Lord. The woman gained voting rights, began to serve in the army and create a business. The woman pilot and the woman captain of the ship stopped being surprised. And how many women have quite successfully led entire states - and you cannot count them. And not only in the last 100 years, but before.

But a little woman. She wants more. And in many ways a woman can be understood. For some reason, to this day a woman in the same position as a man receives much less. For some reason, labor productivity in male groups is still falling when there is a woman there. I will keep silence about the situation of women in some countries of the East.

In general, work for feminism is enough. Real, non-illusory problems. Instead of solving which, you and I get a fight with the legs apart of men, justifying the lack of a man’s right to evaluate a woman’s appearance, promotion of female obesity and unshaven legs. Unshaven legs as a manifesto - this is, of course, a social challenge. But what exactly this radical feminist wants to achieve is not very clear. Especially if she is heterosexual, and she needs a man. Which she before the act of love will certainly send in the shower, in spite of any bodypositive as a position.

However, I repeat: for now this is all nothing more than a reason for jokes. Here. In Russia. But not with them. They have it all MeeToo is just becoming dangerous.

I had many reasons for writing this article, but the last straw was the law recently passed in California that obliges (obliging!) Public companies to include women on their boards of directors. By the end of 2019, at least one woman should be on the board of directors of each such company. But they will not take it - they will turn off the gas. That is a fine from $ 100 to $ 300 thousand.

It is hard to imagine a more degrading law. From now on in the state of California it is believed that the professional qualities of women are not important.

What matters is that she is a woman. Only this makes it worthy of all that men get to work. And note that I could not write this, being in that world, which political scientist Shulman calls the "first". My article would not have been published, but I would have been fired. And any other publications in the countries of the winning freedom of speech would refuse to deal with me. He refused to deal with the Italian professor Alessandro Strumia International Nuclear Center CERN. Because Mr. Strumia ventured to make public the fact that there was a distribution list for the presence of women in research teams, which was shyly concealed in the scientific community. Regardless of their qualifications. Well, just like with the boards of directors in California!

The professor said that there can be no preferences for women in science, because they are not “invited” to physics. And if a woman wants to be Marie Curie, then she will become her. But only on their own. The final verdict was signed by the professor himself with the words that “men invented and built physics”. Apparently, according to CERN, this statement is false.

Well, OK, these are organizational issues. But after all, cancer of radical feminism is already striking science itself. As such. The Mathematical Intelligencer magazine refused to publish an article by mathematicians Theodore Hill and Sergey Tabachnikov, who mathematically proved Darwin’s well-known hypothesis about a greater diversity of men than women. Those of males of any kind were created by nature in order that the offspring be as diverse as possible. When the preprint of the article was promulgated, a certain association “Women in Mathematics” (probably one of those mentioned by Professor Strumia, which is on the list), so, this very association said that the article spreads “pseudoscientific and hypothetical sexist ideas”. Do you understand?

Mathematical article spreads sexist ideas! Mathematical !!! Consisting of some formulas and equations! As a result, the article was removed from the publication.

And if you think that "Women in mathematics" stopped at this, then you are mistaken. They achieved that the other New York Journal of Mathematics, which suggested Hill and Tabachnikov to publish their article, also refused to publish. And the National Science Foundation, which financed the work, demanded that the references to themselves be removed from the article. Women in Mathematics have long arms!

But nothing happened to the article in the journal Current Biology, which describes the study of scientists from University College London.

According to which the best ability of men for orientation in space is not connected with the fact that men need to adapt to the environment. And because women are oppressed. Because they do not allow women to navigate. And on this about modern science I have everything for you.

It is easy to assume that there will be further. Women's quota for Nobel Prizes. In each discipline, the winner will be a woman. So that Professor Strumia and other sexists like him shut up at last, saying that women do not receive Nobel prizes. Therefore, do not get that cisgender scum they do not give!

I'm going to fall to the new novel by Pelevin. The universe, as scientists have just established, will exist for another 140 billion years. It is terrible to think to what limits this infection will spread in such a time.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.