Senator UDI of Ille-et-Vilaine, François Gatel, calls for dialogue and denounces the thugs in a statement: "The government has announced measures and initiated dialogue. It must provide answers, but these answers will not be born of the destructive and creative violence of great disorders. Let's not give in to the provocation of the thugs who hate democracy. "

Françoise Gatel, Senator UDI of Ille-et-Vilaine, has just launched a call for calm in a statement: "For several weeks, has expressed in our country, through the movement of yellow vests, a feeling of downgrading and exhaustion of a France that can no longer live by its work. He must be heard. "


The senator continues: "The government has announced measures and initiated dialogue. It must provide answers, but these answers will not be born of the destructive and creative violence of great disorders. Let's not give in to the provocation of the thugs who hate democracy. The future of our country, all its citizens and our children can only be written with republican respect and dialogue. Each of us can and must contribute. "

"The France of the hicks"

Françoise Gatel had recently alerted the government by saying that yellow vests were not "France hicks".