The British The Sunday Times reported (as always, referring to unnamed and unverifiable sources) that the health of Sergei Skrypal deteriorated. According to sources, doctors use it at home (where the house, however, is also unknown) and hint that anything can happen. He is also 67 years old, and after poisoning with an incomprehensible substance, his health deteriorated, and the continued action of the substance is also incomprehensible and unpredictable.

Undoubtedly, our days are not counted by us, but the appearance of bulletins about the health of Skripal raises some questions.

We have the following information about what happened to Skripalle last year.

On March 4, 2018, in the afternoon, he was found together with his daughter Julia in the city of Salisbury on an unconscious bench. Then he was seen by passersby and the local police, that is, more or less independent witnesses.

No one else from outsiders has seen him, and all the following messages about him are leaks to the press from unnamed sources.


- On May 18, 2018, he was discharged from the hospital to no one knows where; there were no independent witnesses;

- On January 7, 2019, the British press reported that he lives in the south of England (not exactly, but most likely) under the supervision of Her Majesty’s special services, while he himself became very thin and mutated: “He can walk along the street with a hat (?) Or with another hair color (?), and no one will recognize. "

- February 17th - the last message: the health of the Violin has become worse.

This mystery is explained by the need to protect Skrypal (as well as his daughter) from the new attempts of the Russian special services. Petrov and Boshirov still cherish monstrous plans, so conspiracy first and foremost.

Indeed, history knows cases when a person hid under a different name, wearing a hat and hair of a different color in a foreign country. SS Obolsturmbahnführer SS Adolf Eichmann, who was responsible for the final solution of the Jewish question in the Reich, hid in Argentina under the name of Ricardo Clement for ten years and only in 1960 was tracked down and abducted by Israeli intelligence. What was the reason for the versions, that in the same way, but more successfully, Reichsleiter Martin Borman and even Adolf Hitler himself were hiding in Latin America.

In the world of special services and secret societies, everything happens, but it does not happen that from time to time people write about newspapers (and in friendly newspapers) about how a person is hiding and how his health is. For a very simple reason: if the task is to ensure that the disappearance and appearance under a different name and in a different guise is successful, then any message about how he lives and behaves can contain the necessary clues that Petrov and Boshirov will not fail to take advantage of , as well as Eustace and Alex.

Perhaps the leads are very indirect, but nonetheless. Eustace with Alex is also not a fool.

But this self-evident method of witness protection is for some reason unknown to the current intelligence services of the West. A year ago, there was a similar oddity with the exponent of the Russian doping GM. Rodchenkov, who fled to the United States. Fearing that Kremlin agents would get him there too, he changed his appearance. But, having secured himself with a plastic surgery and even shaving off his mustache, he immediately appeared in his new image in front of the camera of the German channel ARD. Obviously, to Petrov and Boshirov was clearer. Either Rodchenkov’s curators were completely idiots, or they held their target audience for complete idiots.

However, the case with Scriphem is even worse and more unpleasant. This whole year, hiding him both from the Russian embassy (despite the fact that he is actually a citizen of the Russian Federation), and from relatives (without giving them a visa), and from the whole world, they suddenly showed the broadest publicity and transparency, reporting his current health problems .

But such a strange thing happened. Never did anything to the Soviet people or the whole world about the state of health of I.V. Stalin. His life in general was the subject of complete mystery - like the life of every deity. And suddenly, on March 4, 1953, it was announced on the radio that Comrade Stalin was seriously ill and he had Cheyne-Stokes's breath.

In the camps, this news was vividly received. In the barracks it was discussed what that would mean, and doctors from the cons who were supposed to know what kind of Cheyne-Stokes such were called for help. Then one prisoner, not a doctor at all, quietly remarked: “You don’t understand anything. If he was alive, such a message on the radio would never have appeared. ”

That is an amazing frankness on the question of the state of health of a person in combination with the previous full secrecy is equivalent to an obituary.

Englishmen are able to shoot Kinokluk about Stalin's death, but such a simple consideration, accessible even to a different convict, is too difficult for enlightened navigators.

And maybe not difficult - just cynicism rolls over.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.