A week after the breakage of Edmond de Rotschild's starboard float while driving the Route du Rhum, Sébastien Josse and his maxi trimaran arrived in Lorient on Wednesday morning.

This was one of the first twists of this Route du Rhum. Last Monday, only less than 24 hours after the departure of the transatlantic, Sebastien Josse announced a major damage on his maxi trimaran Edmond de Rotschild. The French skipper had indeed lost part of his starboard float, broken net.

++ Route du Rhum. Michel Desjoyeaux: "For the Ultimates, we must accept a regression phase"

The first images of @SebJosse following the bow damage bow starboard. # RDR2018 pic.twitter.com/HTVj4SwNcg

- GitanaTeam (@GitanaTeam) November 5, 2018

Quickly diverted to Corunna, Josse and his maxi trimaran were in port on Tuesday, safely. Since the team was focused on returning the maxi trimaran to his home port of Lorient. The skipper and his boat arrived this Wednesday morning in Lorient. From now on, the team will work to rehabilitate multihulls.

A week after the breakage of Edmond de Rotschild's starboard float while driving the Route du Rhum, Sébastien Josse and his maxi trimaran arrived in Lorient on Wednesday morning. | Thomas Brégardis

Launched in July 2017, the maxi trimaran 32 m long had already suffered a foil damage, forcing the trimaran to a long start, between January and April.