Vertigo is a sense of imbalance, lack of clarity or lack of control and confusion, it affects the sensory organs such as the eyes and ear, which is not a disease in itself, but the presentation of other cases.

The rotor is mostly due to the inner ear, rather to the balance member. The most common dizziness disorder is benign rotary rotor, ie, vertigo and a feeling of imbalance, especially when the head is moved. This occurs, for example, when you change your body position during sleep or when you change the overall head position.

The dizziness may also indicate diseases such as Meniere's disease, a chronic disorder of the inner ear function, or an auditory nerve tumor.

Dizziness may be a side effect of some drugs, such as high blood pressure medications and psychotropic drugs. On the other hand may be the cause of vertigo psychologically as disorders of fear, anxiety and depression.

The causes and forms of dizziness vary, resulting in a variety of treatment methods, but there are people who suffer from repeated dizziness in certain situations, such as:

1 - Morning Swallow: Feeling dizzy every day The moment of waking is a kind of benign rotor that does not require concern, but repeated daily calls for consultation with the doctor.

2. When bending: Complaints arise from a slight vertigo when bending abruptly. The appearance of this type of rotor next to the rotor when waking may be an indication of blood pressure problems. As for the elderly, this rotor usually returns to imbalance.

3 - When riding the means of transport: Although the sea dizziness of the most famous types of rotor, some also suffer from vertigo when driving the car, which is due to the different information that reaches the brain at the moment. Experts advise people who are dizzy while driving not to focus on fixed objects inside the car.

Experts recommend that the doctor should be consulted if the rotor is associated with other symptoms, such as hearing loss or headache, or if the cases of vertigo are not limited to movement and change the body, but also occur without movement.

A nose, ear and throat doctor should be consulted at the beginning, and if an organic cause of dizziness is not identified, then a psychiatrist should be consulted.