Two out of three men are overweight in Germany. As reported by the Federal Statistical Office on Tuesday, 62 percent of adult men weighed too many kilos last year. Thus, the proportion remained stable compared to the last survey of 2013, the data are based on a self-assessment of the persons interviewed for the microcensus. The proportion of overweight women was therefore 44 percent.

The data are based on the so-called body mass index (BMI), which sets body weight in relation to body size. The World Health Organization (WHO) classifies adults with a BMI over 25 as overweight. Above 30, adults are considered overweight or obese. Such a high figure was reported by 18 percent of respondents.

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The older the men are, the more they weigh: While over 70 percent of men aged 55 and over are overweight, this only applies to one third of 20 to 25 year olds. Women, too, are older when they get older: According to an AOK survey, the proportion of obese people in their 55s is more than 50 percent. Of the children between the ages of three and 17 years, according to the Robert Koch Institute at least 21 percent are too fat.


Psychology Of misfortune being a fat child

As the Federal Office further reported, smoking in men is unpopular. Last year, 27 percent of adult men at least occasionally put on a cigarette. At the last survey in 2013, their share was still at 30 percent.