The fact that a trip ends fatally is hardly as common in a drug as it is in heroin. For just a few minutes intoxication, addicts will take the risk, as well as their physical decline. The drug is extremely fast dependent, after only two weeks of consumption, physical withdrawal symptoms occur.

Last year, 1,276 people in Germany died from the use of illegal drugs. That's about as many as in the previous year, said the Drug Commissioner of the Federal Government, Marlene Mortler (CSU), with. The most common causes were overdoses of opioids such as heroin and morphine. It killed 629 people - last year there were more than 700. Fentanyl and synthetic opioids also play an increasingly important role.

On average, those affected were 38 years old. Only in 33 percent of cases is it known that someone had attempted a rescue.

"Drug addiction is a disease"

There was also a slight decline in deaths with new psychoactive substances, so-called legal highs. These are often sold online - camouflaged as herbal mixtures or bath salts. The effect is comparable to cannabis or amphetamines, but is much harder to assess. It often remains unclear how the substances are composed. Possible side effects range from nausea, rapid heartbeat, panic attacks and vomiting to psychosis, circulatory failure, unconsciousness and death.

On the other hand, death rates have increased as a result of the misuse of psychoactive drugs, such as benzodiazepines. According to estimates from 2014, up to 1.2 million people are dependent on benzodiazepine-containing sleeping pills and sedatives, most of them are older than 65 years. Benzodiazepines have a high search potential. After taking them for a few weeks, the symptoms that you are supposed to be working against can be more pronounced when weaning: anxiety with panic attacks, sweating, sleep disturbances.

Mortler said, "Every single death requires us to better protect people from the dangers of drugs and to save them from the often fatal consequences of their drug use." In addition to the state, companies and the whole society are in demand. "Drug addiction is a disease, sick people need help and not stigmatization."

To combat addiction problems, especially the municipal addiction help is important. "It is high time to set up addiction counseling as best as possible for the future." But more money is needed. It does not work to do more with the same level of funding.