As basement children of the kitchen, the beets ebbed for decades a sad existence. Completely right, these roots of the fox tail plants like to take on the predominant aroma in their storage environment - unfortunately also the cellar of the cellars, where they were stored until well into the late winter, because these plants do not ripen.

And last year's prayers can easily smell and taste until the new harvest in early May. Provided they have been stored correctly: at 0-3 ° C, with light shut off and constant humidity in boxes filled with fresh sand. Then there is no meaningful dormant note. What's more, similar to potatoes, the Randen, as they are called in Switzerland, slowly convert starch molecules into fructose during the storage months.

That's why they are perfect for sweetening Lent from Ash Wednesday to Easter, early March to mid-April. Those who take it seriously and want to forgo snacking and meat in this phase, for example, find a variety of exciting and culinary surprising uses for the beets. "Pray and work" are the first two commandments for cooking because of the sometimes sophisticated and elaborate recipes.

Even in our hobby kitchen, the prayer was already more frequent topic: We already worked the red to yellow tubers as "dead prayer" to All Saints, as earthy and thus at eye level side dish for Christmas carps, or part of the root accompaniment to the Christmas Eve Bock flute Armenian lamb skewers and quail legs.

We used them as a base for refreshing ice-cold gazpacho with raspberries and horseradish, sliced ​​them into Maghreb carpaccio with figs and walnuts, made them go vegan asparagus with quinoa salad or even smoked fillet of beef, and finally pimped them into a sophisticated vegan prayer and Worker variation.

Praying with heavenly earth bondage

The ingredient always retains its positive qualities, such as its earthy texture, which seems at best crisp and fresh, and its sophisticated sweet and sour game on the palate. Depending on the cooking method, the texture changes from raw-crunchy to creamy-boiled, elastic-eaten to the crisp-dried beet-chip.

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Photo gallery: recipe for beet tartar

In addition, there is their health promoting effect. Prawn is good for liver, bile, circulation and immune system. The juice of fresh beets also contains many natural nitrates, which can help with heart disease blood pressure lowering drugs. Fit only people with kidney stones and Crohn's disease patients (this applies to all plants with high oxalic acid content).

Our today's vegetarian hobby recipe "Bete Tartar" can also be prepared vegan by omitting the anchovies and still retains its surprisingly powerful buzz - with the essential oils of the freshly chopped sage and oregano leaves even adding strong animal flavor components to "real" Remember Tatar.