News from the island

  • Le Pen criticizes Macron's "scaling" and calls for an end to the suffering of the protesters
  • "Yellow Jackets." Trump mocks Macron's policies again
  • On Khashoggi .. Healy going the opposite direction of Trump
  • "Israel needs him." Netanyahu presses Trump to save Mohammed bin Salman
  • A new change in Trump's management .. The White House chief of staff leaves the end of the year

Tragedy Giovanni Drogo, after completing his studies at the military academy and living the most beautiful years of his life and his feelings of some duties; he now has to join a remote castles surrounded by the desert from everywhere, but felt that the ghost of isolation surrounds and even dwells in the depths, He will now move away from that city and this old house where he lives with his mother, who knew the meaning of hope, and that he is about to stage himself and regrets the passing of his life.

When Giovanni Drogu threw his men at the castle, he met with the Qumandan (Matte), a leader who appeared to us at the beginning of the novel as a good and faithful man, through his dialogue with Giovanni Drogu. Matte Lederougou said that he could leave at this hour To the city where he came from and that he is not embarrassed about it; since the castle is not interesting, but at the same moment Matte tried and in some of the slag did not appear in the folds of dialogue to tempt Drujo sitting in this isolated place of the city and human life, And that he would not lose much if he continued with the castle for four months to come, especially since The departure procedure before the four months will be difficult and some circumvention of the law (as if Matti in the face of the face of Drugo realized that he does not like to circumvent the law), and by the end of the four months on Drugo to decide to stay or leave; where the departure procedures will be easy and conform to the law, and indeed During the dialogue, Drogo decided that he would begin his work at the Citadel for this period and that it would expire until his papers were returned to the castle.

Four months have elapsed and Drogo has to undergo a medical examination to finish his work at the castle, but Dino Potzati surprises us with some confusion that Drugo decided to stay in his work and that he would not leave the castle. After the unrelenting boredom and isolation of the castle, Even from the sound of a watercress in a tank. After all this, Botzati surprises us with Drrogu's decision, relying on unconvincing interpretations. The reason for his stay was a set of customs by Drugo, military zeal, family affability, guard duty, and friends' meetings.

When people do little work in places where they do not show their personal qualities and psychic properties, each begins with something that their unconscious consciousness or imagination that has been afflicted by the illness as a result of this isolation makes them distinct,

He then goes on to mention other habits such as the pub to which he differs and the women's laughs and flirtation of him, as well as his bedroom and the sun, even some of the lizards that Drugo used to see, and other habits that can not collide with his future to remain entrenched in front of his search for his happiness and chest tightness This isolation is useless. A four-month period would not be enough to entrench these habits in the heart of Drogo so much that he loves his practice and can not let it go. Something that Potzati could not reach had made Drrugu decide to stay, or perhaps he knew Boutzati and wanted to put his reader in this very confused fate of the future of Drugo.

Potzati portrayed the men of the fortress as commanders and soldiers with great intelligence and narrative expression that could penetrate deep into the souls of his characters; all of them live on their own dismay that they are seen as the safe bastion against any enemy coming from the north who live in the hope of meeting these Tartars Who come from the northern desert, who are in the depths of their conscience, believe that no invasion will come from the north, and that they will not die of this dead they long for, but their long living in this miserable castle has made them live the imagination to the fullest (for this mysterious possibility, Unbelievable, the men here are the best of my age their lives).

It is clear from the castle that it is only a short time that a person will spend and then leave. This is evident in the dialogue of Drugo with Broz Dushimo, the supervisor of knitting in the castle. "I work here only temporarily," he said. His word was so ridiculed by his collaborators that he filled the place; it turned out that he was working in the castle for fifteen years as many others, yet he and others were always teasing these words.

This is the case that Boutzati has always tried to explain in societies. When people do little work in places where they do not show their personal qualities and psychic properties, they start with something that their unconscious consciousness or imagination makes them feel as isolated. And with a sense of social, and at the same time talking between them that they will inevitably leave this place, it is only a matter of time, although their conscience is convinced that death is the only thing that will isolate them from this place.