At a meeting with US President Donald Trump, rapper Kanye West made a memorable appearance at the White House. Trump had invited West for lunch on Thursday. Before that, they came together in the Oval Office.

West began an oversized monologue in which he jumped from one to the other at a rapid pace: from crimes in Chicago, industry and jobs, to drugs and his own mental problems to constitution, prison reform and his existence without a true father figure. Again and again he praised Trump in the highest tones and also wore a red baseball hat with its campaign slogan: "Make America Great Again."


Kanye West (R) and Donald J. Trump (L)

West said friends had urged him not to put on the Trump cap, but she gave him strength. "When I put on this cap, I felt like Superman." Occasionally, West jumped up from his chair several times, once also pulled out his cell phone and showed the photo of a futuristic aircraft: "In such a thing, our President should fly," he called into the room.

"That was an experience"

"If he does not look good, we will not look good." Finally, West ran around Trump's desk, hugged the President, and said, "I love this guy."

"That was an experience," said the almost speechless US President after West's monologue. "That came from the heart, I just channeled it," the rapper replied. The president probably did not expect to be "supported by such a crazy bastard as Kanye West," he said, while Trump's co-workers gasped.

West, whose support for Trump is atypical of the more leftist US entertainment industry, even hinted that he could become president himself - but only after Trump's second term in 2024.