Following the alleged gang rape of a student last October in Freiburg, the police are looking for an eleventh suspect with a phantom image. Ten men have already been arrested in the case. According to the police, the wanted person is 20 to 25 years old.

There are indications that he too has passed away from the woman. An independent witness could describe the man.

In their search for the man, the officials are dependent on the help of the population, said a police spokeswoman. In addition, it will be investigated whether there are other offenders.

In mid-October, the investigators alleged that an 18-year-old was raped in Freiburg after a disco visit by several men. The police have arrested ten suspects since then - eight Syrians aged 18 to 29, an 18-year-old Algerian and a 25-year-old German. Everyone is in custody.

The tenth suspects were identified by officials at the end of December. His DNA traces had been found on the clothing of the victim.

The police continues to evaluate evidence and testimonies, the spokeswoman said. The woman was reportedly defenseless at the time of the crime. In the nightclub she had previously been mixed according to police something in the drink. She could not give any information on the number of perpetrators.