Mukesh Ambani is one of the richest people in the world, with assets of more than $ 40 billion. That he is not afraid to spend his money, the Indian has proved once more. The wedding of his daughter Isha is to cost according to "Bloomberg" about 100 million US dollars.

Isha's future husband, Anand Piramal, is also very wealthy with an estimated fortune of $ 5 billion. The couple's families have been trusted for decades. Isha and Anand already knew each other as children. Isha graduated from elite elite Yale University, Anand, Harvard.

On Wednesday Anand wants to lead his future wife to the so-called "Saat Fere", the wedding fire. According to Hindu rituals, this must go around seven times. But what makes the wedding, which spans over a week, the most expensive in the world? Among other things, a performance by Beyoncé.

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The pop star was after his appearance on Instagram in traditional Indian garb. Former US Secretary of State John F. Kerry and Hillary Clinton also accepted the billionaire's invitations. But the celebrities will have cost only a fraction of the expenses.

India's most expensive wedding?

The Ambanis, who have to pay for the entire wedding according to Indian tradition, hired more than 1,000 luxury limousines over the weekend in Udaipur, a town built in the 16th century. Udaipur's luxury hotels were booked out months before. At the small airport of the city 40 to 50 aircraft landed more than usual during the day. At the so-called pre-wedding party, guests were able to use an app specially created for the party, which provided information about the location of the religious ceremonies and parties.

The 5100 guests included Lakshmi Mittal, the owner of the world's largest steel company, who had his daughter's wedding cost "only" 55 million euros. Janardhana Reddy, a billionaire from the state of Karnataka, paid $ 74 million.

The Ambanis are among the most influential families in Asia. Mukesh amassed his fortune with the help of his own telecommunications company and also made money in the textile and oil industries. He caused a sensation when he moved in 2010 probably the second most expensive house in the world in Mumbai (only the Buckingham Palace is more expensive). The property is 173 meters high and can accommodate 27 floors, including a private clinic is part of the building. The construction costs should have been 50 to 70 million dollars.