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Is there a legal and political separation between the legislative branch, the executive branch and the judiciary in the perception, reality and political practice of the various countries of the world? Does each of these powers operate completely independently of the other two authorities, where differentiation emerges and subordination or domination cease? Can the constitutions, as supreme laws and mechanisms for downloading them on the ground, provide, without any doubt or doubt, guarantees the total or partial separation of these powers, with the principles of balance and equality, cooperation and joint control, whether in the presidential system or the system Parliamentary, or mixed system?

I believe that this complex political scene is a democratic trick created by the thinkers and the first politicians, through the philosophy of Plato, Aristotle, Locke, Montesquieu and Rousseau, to explain the action and validity of the adopted organizational organizational arsenal, the legitimacy of government and power and the bullying of the minority or the opposition. The evidence is that the current executive branch is responsible for public affairs and already controls all the civilian and military levels, and the majority of them in parliament, the legislative branch, rarely provide the political, legal, and even moral cover that always places them in a position of hegemony.

If we add to this executive power existing by the force of law and direct or indirect election, the power of the army and the military machine of the subsidiary, and the deterrent and protectionist security forces parallel, and the tributaries of the judiciary, which does not resolve disputes and govern only by the laws and regulations that are manufactured within the labs of Parliament, and the physical coercion of the militants from the violators Rejecters and critics, and the pro-media channels that are in tune with the operators, the civilized and the guardians, and the international organization, which can often only address the executive authority at the beginning and finally, we realize that the authority of the people that Yamar Through the elections, the political, and sometimes the existential, tasks are ended when the legislative organs from which they aspire, in the parliamentary system entirely and in the presidential system in part, the executive organs of the so-called democratic states, begin the executive session in the penalty or Punishment under the guise of public procurement.

The current legislative power, despite the illusion of independence that has been marketed to the fullest extent, remains an obedient servant of the executive branch, which submits to the legislature its own bills

This clever democratic trick, and the self-governing ruling of the people itself, does not justify the fact that the executive authority, which is above all authority, does not return to the people during its term of office, nor is it consulted in its intentions, decisions and programs. The executive authority has become, by a sound or improper electoral paper, more knowledgeable and aware of the interests of the people, the state and the nation, and that the raising of prices must be done by the people of the country. Do not provoke And that the compulsory recruitment must not escape it, that the various taxes must be paid within their deadlines, that the distribution of national wealth is well known by its standards, and that the task of all the electorate is originally to put the ballot paper in the transparent magic box, and it ends.

Because the world today is a small village or a transparent glass planet, and because webs, social networking platforms and intelligence satellites are no different from the geography of countries and peoples' movements and legacies, the elected executive branch, in collusion with the domestic and foreign diplomatic policy parallel to the supporting legislative authority, Political cooperation, in cooperation with similar executive bodies, and the joint protocol agreement on non-interference of all kinds in the internal affairs of States, through joint agreements or international conventions, with the possibilities of making lists National or international terrorism of convicted terrorists and terrorist political opponents, as well as adapting the basket of awareness of rights and freedoms as needed, and other authoritarian political maneuvers that excite the public's sense and awareness, even in matters that do not directly or indirectly concern them.

Because each electoral state has its beginning and its end, and here we are not talking about absolutism and managing the public interest in inheritance, the executive authority, which apparently believed in this deplorable democratic form of peoples, begins to feel its heads before the beginning of the end of its mandate , The final speed of its political course, in which the existence of the legislative authority and the reduction of the presence of the judiciary, in the form of popular decisions, limited horizontal and quick impact and anesthesia, reduce the burden and embarrassment of the parallel authorities that shadow them, and mix the social and political groups Which in the past had complained and resented it. Because of this fraudulent behavior, and because she knows that the poor people remember well and forget quickly, they are relatively successful in filling their stomach in stoppage time, pushing the reconnaissance machine and the guided survey, as they get the impression that the results of the next election cycle are in favor of their parties being settled.

The current legislative power, despite the illusion of independence that has been marketed to the fullest extent, remains an obedient servant of the executive branch, which submits to the legislature its own bills

The island

I believe that despite this negative negative responses, it may affect the Muslims of the deeply rooted democratic regimes, as we have experienced in ancient Greek, Greek and Roman history. As we hear daily the democratic Western countries that experienced the French Revolution, the American civil war and the aftermath, Time, power of the people as they say, the executive is the only unfortunately present and influential in the political scene, economic, social and cultural private and public, with the exception of the relative experience of America, to be elected all the constitutional powers that constitute the basis Democratic, independent, and independent legislative and executive powers, in a neutral, parallel and separate manner, so that the Second Authority does not derive its brute power from the former. The election is a real deterrence and reserve force if necessary, even if the executive authority is a tyrannical ruler or an authoritarian president.

The current legislative power, despite the illusion of independence that has been marketed to the fullest extent, the majority game and the opposition of free electoral funds, political democracy and multiparty preached in the preamble and chapters of the constitutions of America, France and others, remain at least a majority And the right to issue regulations and regulations, and formulate and submit the annual budget for approval.

On the other hand, the legislature does not refer to the executive branch except through the proposals of the laws, the discussion of general government policy, the formal monitoring of the executive authority, and the withdrawal of confidence from the government in very rare cases. The legislative, organizational and executive balance is flawed. The spectra of the people are far from fulfilling their constitutional role in enacting laws and regulations, curbing the executive power, and not only existing authority but ultimately the executive authority, which is implicitly or publicly the authoritative authority of the three authorities. The abnormal political situation must change immediately in the interests of the values ​​and principles of independence, balance, cooperation and integration in order to consolidate the true concept of the state and the authority of the people with all their legislative, executive and judicial components.