It would seem that Zero from the point of view of realizability the promise of Peter Poroshenko to hang up Ukrainian flags in populated areas of Donbass is quite expected to make the rhetorician the object of an unappreciated transformation into an empty and gromyuchee crash. However, the Ukrainian president is not the first to lead senseless and deceitful speeches - with his zero or even negative rating afraid of the damage that the naughty he is borne can inflict on his reputation, there is no reason. But I wonder why Poroshenko is so persistent in the reproduction of idiotic incendiary cues, the meaning of which turned to ashes in the saving fire of Ilovaisky and other memorable boilers.

The problem in the ritualization of life. The hatred of his day suffers. The rhetoric of the war has become an obligatory speech behavior of politicians of Ukraine of different levels. It is simply impossible to live a day in the framework of the existing national mythology, so as not to impose an obligatory sacrifice on this altar. In fact, the statement about the flags is not so much nonsense and nonsense as it seems at first sight. Yes, it is clear that the prospects of hanging them in these places seem so illusory that the promise to do so looks like a deliberate drum-like lie. But this is only at first sight.

After all, Poroshenko did not indicate in what terms he intended to carry out his plans, because they, in general, are not important. He said something completely different. The meaning of the message he broadcast can be expressed in the words of Alexander Blok: "And the eternal battle! Rest only in our dreams". The idea that Ukraine will fight until the victorious end - whatever it costs, no matter how long it takes - was present in the context of another record by the Ukrainian leader.

Last week, he wrote in his Twitter that, even if the current allies turn away from his country, she will continue to fight the evil anyway. Let it be all alone.

So a strange cry about the return of Ukrainian symbolism to the cities of Donbass can also be viewed as a surge of existential despair, when a goal is set that is certainly unreachable in any understandable perspective, only to close time once and for all. Say, while the Donbas is not won, Ukraine will not have a future. The revival or even the formation of a new, water passed through the fire and copper pipes of statehood is possible only through the return of territories that seem lost forever. Here, as it were, a transition is made from despair to hope: conscious Ukrainians can not afford cowardice and dilution of will. To be reconciled to the loss of the Crimea, Donetsk and Lugansk means to give up on the idea of ​​an independent, great, experienced war, defeats and victories in Ukraine.

Pyotr Alekseevich in this stupid-looking plot has its own almost hopeless, but still with frenzy defended interest. He has no particular way out, except, in view of the approaching elections, to stubbornly and irrevocably bet on war, to choose war, to try to sell war to voters in one or another package. There are not only achievements: Ukraine is poor, it loses its population, it is forced to lock itself in the corners, plunging into criminal chaos.

The only way to somehow draw people to their side is to explain to them that they are bravely coping with the greatest hardships of wartime, trying to defend the freedom and independence of their own homeland. That this is the high destiny of real people who choose poverty, but not slavery, consciously go to worsen conditions of their own lives in order to gain dignity and freedom for themselves and their children. And here we need the final station of an endless journey. It is called - flags over Donbass.

More than 60% of respondents, according to the latest polls conducted by the Kyiv center, oppose the continuation of hostilities. As with such indicators, one can try to fill the war with a mobilizing, high sense, how can one make people believe in its purifying state-building power? I'm almost sure that it is impossible, but my view of things comes from Russian and Donbas realities, which are much more closely related to the parameters of real earth life, and not its ideal dimensions, in which citizens of Ukraine miraculously are able to move suddenly.

They have already proved many times that in pursuit of the ideal can take such peaks that our people are not available by default. They can destroy their own state and plunge themselves into utter squalor for the sake of European prosperity.

Over time, it turns out that squalor - this is not a temporary state, but a constant, and prosperity as it was not, and is not drawn on the horizon. This does not prevent them from seizing their own fortune again, consumed by two-thirds, in order to drop it even lower for the glory of heroes, the nation, the Ukrainian state. The idea of ​​"zaponovat on his side" pushes cranks repeatedly to destroy their miserable existence, although it would seem that there is nowhere else to go.

Poroshenko gropes for support points of his election campaign. I think that in any case he will turn to the war as its only content center. The flags on the towers are still a distant approach to the concept of war, which is transferred to the plan of eternity: no matter when the victory is won - in a hundred years or a thousand, but the Ukrainians, as envoys of good, will necessarily come out of a tough battle with the darkness of the victors. And the shadow that the universal battle will cast into heaven will gigantic flashes to illuminate the gigantic figure of the commander-in-chief of the forces of light. And this angels will be cut from the chocolate dump, which will be delivered by barges with nuclear engines from Lipetsk.

The author's point of view may not coincide with the editorial position.