Do we want to be a bit naive together? Let's say, for the length of this text, the video he's about, and for so many ideas of a better humanity, how do you do until reality catches up with you.

Let's get started.

You know "Imagine," John Lennon's wonderful serving suggestion for a liveable world. In the net, a video goes around. It shows Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, Theresa May, Kim Jong Un and a few other power figures. And they sing together "Imagine".

Imagine there's no countries
It is not hard to do
Nothing to kill or the for
And no religion, too

Imagine all the people
Living life in peace

In "... And no religion, too", the film features Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Hassan Rohani, the president of Iran. When two sing together, it's easy to imagine they're serious about their words. We know this from pop duets in which stars, who in reality hardly know each other, swear eternal love for each other.

Video: Politician choir as a video montage - when Trump and Putin sing together


YouTube / Canny

For some, this may be reminiscent of commercials from supermarket chains or mobile phone manufacturers. These advertisement films where you reluctantly get goose bumps and wet eyes and feel a little used. And of course the choir of the "Imagine" politicians is not real. These are computer-manipulated images in a video intended to attract attention to a company called Canny AI. At the moment, there is little more to the company's website than the information that they want to change the way people create content.

So back to "Imagine".

The comments of the YouTube viewers under the video are expected clarified and comment critical as we are used to it from the Internet:

"What will we see next, Trump, Putin or Xi, how he starts the third world war as a fake?"

"Now make sure they undress and dance."

You, I may say I am a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you will join us
And the world wants to be one

Let us allow ourselves a few moments of naivety, of reverie. Let us allow ourselves to be not so fussy realists, who always think and anticipate all the pitfalls and weird catastrophes and anyway not only know everything, but surprisingly know everything better. Let's take a look at how the alpha animals of our societies sing together. And imagine, it would be real, imagine, they would be serious. Then the world would be really different.

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man

Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world

Trump dreams of walls. Kim Jong Un dreams of atomic bombs, which he can fly anywhere in the world. We know that, we know that. That makes us despair of the world.

But if one hears Lennon's words from the mouths, from which otherwise come so many threats and stupid things that sow fear and discord, there is suddenly another world. One in which country borders, differences of skin color, religion and wealth are history. And perhaps for a moment the question is allowed: What is in the way of this world?

We know the answers. Like granite blocks, they fall on every illusion of a less hostile, hateful, fear-filled, competitive and greed-driven, more liveable world: power interests, economic interests, pomposity and righteousness of religions, economies or other supremacy fantasies. So let's just say: the reasons why our world is what it is can legitimately be considered as shitty reasons.

Nevertheless, these are the reasons why politicians will not sing.

You, I may say I am a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you will join us
And the world wants live as one

Still, imagine that we could live as one humanity instead of constantly working to keep tearing the world apart. Does not hurt anyone. And maybe we can draw some strength from this idea, to not let our illusions, our hopes, our naivety stifle us.

And then we make something out of it. Then we go to demonstrate, then we go to vote, then we go discussing, arguing, convincing each other or not. And then we get along. Then we do what we can to make the world a better place. Then we change our lives - and with them many others. Some need it a bit more, others have already begun.


If you want, our shared moment of naivety is over now. Nice that you stayed.