In order to find volunteers for the repatriation of rejected asylum seekers, the Federal Interior Ministry wants to pay premiums according to information from the SPIEGEL Federal Police. According to a bill, civil servants should receive 50 euros on deportation flights of up to four hours, 75 euros for up to eight hours and 100 euros for even longer transports.

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"The return by air begins with the closing of the aircraft's exterior doors and ends with the handover of the person returning to the authorities of the country of destination", the draft states.

A likewise planned allowance for officials who "manually check feces during their official work" or "manually examine persons or objects contaminated with bodily fluids" is not said to exist on deportation flights.

The Federal Police has time and again problems, enough volunteers for deportation flights to win - also because the course "personal companion air" is required. About a thousand officials completed this course.

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