Accused of rape before being put out of cause, Pierre Palmade ensures in the columns of the "World" want to put an end to his "problems of alcohol and drugs".

Comedian Pierre Palmade claims Saturday in Le Monde to end his "alcohol and drug problems" after a "bad meeting" with a young man who falsely accused him of rape, "the story of too much" , according to him.

Cocaine "after months of abstinence"

"This is where my addiction leads: a bad encounter with delusional charges.This is the story of too much," said the comedian, who explains having "resumed cocaine" that night "after months of abstinence" . "I had a bad meeting in a bar with a boy" who "ransacked my apartment" after a fight. "I will destroy your career and tell you that you drugged me and raped," said the young man according to Pierre Palmade.

The comedian and 19-year-old Abdel H. were detained on April 11. The custody of Pierre Palmade had been lifted the same evening, the young man having finally "put out of cause". The false accuser is summoned in October before the criminal court of Paris to be tried for use of drugs and degradations. "For my part, I recognized my cocaine intake, I will have a fine and will have to confirm that I am in recovery," said the comedian.

"I turn the show business page"

"This relapse has brought me back to reality, it's a lesson (...) I want to recover, get out of this illegal disease," he says. "I turn the page of show business to do this job more peacefully," he says.