Twins are very common in the Yoruba ethnic group that lives in southwestern Nigeria, but the village of Igbora Ora has one of the highest birth rates for identical twins in the world.

Local residents say that the reason for an unusual number of identical twins is the use of "okra leaves" used to make soups and the "Amal" dish, a local dish made from fried potatoes and cassava flour where sweet potatoes stimulate the production of gonads, In the appearance of twins in births, which makes mothers give birth to many children matched.

One school in the village includes nine sets of identical twins from nearly 100 children in school.

However, gynecologist and obstetrician Euguajumi Olarinogu in Lagos believes that the causes of this phenomenon are due to the quality of food where this type of food is eaten in other parts of the world without the same result.

He believes that, scientifically speaking, the phenomenon can be postponed to the genetic side, where twins' marriages have been repeated over the years, making twin genes more visible.