At first sight, you will feel the seriousness and importance of this article from the studies and experiences and lives of many people, and such topics do not go to many people, despite the importance and seriousness, despite the poor deal with it by many.

If we look at a new study that says: A child at the age of thirteen, and a very short time to see a set of pictures and videos of porn, more than his grandparents saw throughout their life! In 2008, 14.4 percent of boys watched pornographic videos before the age of 13, and increased to 47.7 percent in 2011, and recently reached 69 percent in 2017, according to a study in your book Under the Influence of Pornography.

This is because of the ease of pornography in the age of the Internet, and the encouragement of the community on it, from advertisements, serials and movies, using sexual terms and references as a joke, and as a result, there is a category of people who weigh that such films will have benefits in the marital life, And his eye.

The dangers of watching pornography

What such films cause a person to appear quickly and may be treated quickly also, but what causes it on the communities needs a mixture of time to appear and treatment,

Here we must clarify the great danger of these films to the mind. When a person performs any work that brings happiness, like buying a new phone, or when a person eats something he loves, the brain secretes a special substance called happiness, called dopamine (Dopamine) , And the secretion of this article naturally and this is called natural reward (natural reward), and this is the feeling of any natural person.

But when you watch pornographic movies, you will find a great variety, and strange passages, that make the brain excreted large amounts of dopamine, and also secreted at the same time a substance called deltafosbe (DeltaFosB), called the process of secretion of these substances Bbeee mechanism, or Binge mechanism, The brain is passive and produces 3 cases:

First: loss of pleasure in doing anything, as a result of getting used to large amounts of dopamine.

Second: the great attachment in these films, and called this case of excessive sensitivity, prompting the human to repeat the view.

Third: The part of the will in the brain affected negatively, which deprives the human control of your life, such as inability to study exercise and regulate eating.

And this all affects the life of the human negatively, but the biggest problem facing the human result of watching these films is the problem of erectile dysfunction, and this affects negatively on married life, contrary to the idea that exists in many, and all this indicates that these films are real addiction to alcoholism and drugs, Studies have shown that the reactions of those who watch these films are just like the reactions of alcohol and drug addicts.

The remoteness of this subject is very, very many, but reminders benefit people, because God says (and remember the benefit of the believers) , and the mercy of God that there is a brain called the nerve flexibility, which brings back to the nature of nature when you stop watching these films, and there are thousands of results The results were very impressive and positive, such as increased energy, depression, increased social relationships, increased confidence, and many experiences without fear or hesitation.

How to get rid of the addiction to pornography

Firstly: Preserving the prayer for saying Allaah ( interpretation of the meaning ) : Great truth of God. The Spider.

Second: not to be self-conscious.

Third: Block pornography on the phone by applying the name "Ubhind"

Fourth: mixing more with people.

Fifth: Exercise regularly, which makes up the dopamine.

Sixth: Look for support, and find all the support on the site "conscious".

Community perspective

What causes such films to appear to the person quickly and may be treated quickly also, but what causes the communities need to mix time to appear and treatment, and I regret that at a time when such sites and applications are direct and indirect to promote such behaviors, without any deterrent or But we hold the responsibility of ourselves, the responsibility of our children and the generation that will come after us, and we are here to face this issue with all our seriousness, mind and religion, to awaken ourselves from the destruction of our societies, and Glory to Allah the Great Ali who only commands us good when he said in his book For the believers are turning away from a Besaarham and keep it purer for them to guard God is Aware of what they do).

And he was disappointed by the obedience of God. I remember here the words of those who said:

If you fall in suspicion in darkness ... and the self calling for disobedience

So be ashamed of the sight of God and say to her ... The one who created darkness sees me