Hollywood stars of the old school will have to do without animal skins on the body in the future: Los Angeles will ban the sale of fur coats and other new fur products.

In January 2021, the ban on sales should come into force, it has decided the city council of the West Coast metropolis. At the vote, only one member of the 14-member panel voted against the thrust. This would be followed by another formal round of voting, reported the broadcaster CBS.

The future ban on sales concerns new fur products, including fur-trimmed leather goods, hats and shoes. Also, the manufacturing and trade are prohibited in the urban area of ​​Los Angeles. However, second-hand shops may continue to offer used fur products.

"This obscure and inhuman practice must come to an end," city councilor Bob Blumenfield said, according to "Hollywood Reporter." Furs would have no future in Los Angeles. He was proud that "our city took a giant step against the unnecessary killing of animals." One must ensure that the entire "hideous market" disappears.

In the animal welfare organization Peta cracked the champagne corks: Countless animals would now be spared, "beaten, shocked with electric shocks and skinned alive," it said in a statement. "When Los Angeles speaks, the world is listening."

LA is the largest US city that has passed such a ban. The metropolis follows the example of smaller cities in California such as San Francisco, Berkeley and West Hollywood.