The human being is influenced by the environment in which he lives and influences, and the effect may be positive or negative. The environment is either stimulating and stimulating for learning and development, creating a productive human being or a frustrating and frustrating environment that takes the person to the bottom and hinders its progress and development. To avoid the negative effects of the environment, Vingo himself, and make his way in the way he sees fit, which correspond to his personal values ​​and ambitions, and among the factors highly influential in the social environment «people's words», a term that reduces many of the meanings and concepts and cultural heritage, "People's speech" means people's opinion of what we do, and their judgment of what they see as our actions and actions. The influence of "people's words" varies from one society to another. In the same country, its influence may differ from region to region. At the educational level, although this can not be confirmed without a scientific study.

"People's speech" is simply the rule of the people, which is without a doubt the rule of incomplete and unfair, and tainted by the tendency to blame, and not to investigate the truth, and not to rely on the evidence, but is a mere "hue" full of objectivity, Is often based on the popular heritage and custom, but often based on his opinion and his purely personal orientation, and consider himself the measure of measurement measured by things, and always associated with the rule of exaggeration and misunderstanding the motives of the other party, and in many societies takes «people's words» force and legitimacy, may Up to the extent of taking into account before the teachings of religion, man behaves in his life The decision is made in accordance with custom and fear of "people's words", to the extent that this is reflected in the financial decisions, for example in some communities, parents are more expensive in the ponies of their daughters, and in the costs and equipment of marriage, fearing the "words of people", forget the teachings of religion, "There is a tragic story that ended with imprisonment or horrendous crimes, out of fear of" people's words ", including honor crimes, such as" honor killings " .

I do not know if there is a radical solution to this societal scourge, but the fact is that change is happening, and there is no impossible. I have heard and seen many examples where people get rid of some societal pests, such as extravagance in the costs of marriage, because the person is convinced that his actions are relevant to his circumstances , As well as his will to remain unaffected by others, may contribute to solving the problem in the long term.


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