Like many celebrities, Patton Oswalt faces hate and hostility on the Internet. But the actor and comedian sometimes has a heart for trolls. After being criticized by a Twitter user following his 2004 film release, "I just realized why I was so happy that you died in Blade Trinity," the 49-year-old responded with a donation to the man - and called on his fans to do the same.

"This guy just attacked me on Twitter and I joked back," wrote Oswalt about the incident. When he looked at the man's timeline, he saw that he had serious health problems. "I would be angry, too," wrote Oswalt. To supplement the man's bad hand, he suggested giving him "some good" cards and, according to "Washington Post," contributed $ 2,000.

Aw, man. This dude just attacked me on Twitter and then I looked at his timeline and he's in a LOT of trouble health-wise. I'd be pissed off too. He's been dealt some shitty cards - let's deal him some good ones. Click and donate - just like I'm about to.

- Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) January 24, 2019

The call of the celebrity was followed by many. Current status of the fundraising campaign: more than $ 30,000, and rising.

Michael Beatty, whose insult was a response to criticism from Oswalt to US President Donald Trump, has since been voiced. He never thought the actor would even read his tweet, he said aloud in a Washington Post interview.

I want to thank everyone who came to my aid with generous outpourings and so to @pattonoswalt without whom I would not like to be the recipient of so much love and support. I'm not a man who ever cries but I have to wait to send this. And to quote Stuart on Big Bang "meat tonight"!

- Michael Beatty (@MichaelBeatty) January 24, 2019

Beatty thanked Oswalt for making him think. He must reassess some of his positions, said the 64-year-old from Huntsville. The biggest thing he has learned: Oswalt has character.

According to Beatty, the positive reactions of many people mean exactly the same as the donations. He needed the money to pay for medical bills. Beatty is said to have come home from a two-week hospital stay just before his furious tweet. After complications in treating his diabetes and septicemia, he spent several days in a coma, Beatty said.