A woman, a member of the royal family of Qatar, was stolen all her belongings in a room of the American hospital in Paris. The damage is estimated at 51,000 euros. She immediately complained and "that the robbery was completely engineered by someone internally at the hospital."

It is an advertisement which the prestigious American hospital of Neuilly-sur-Seine (Hauts-de-Seine) would have done well. A woman, a member of the royal family of Qatar, found the theft of all her belongings that she kept in her room on June 11, two days after admission to the institution, reveals Le Point .

An injury estimated at more than 51,000 euros

The facts occurred when the patient was undergoing a CT scan. According to the victim, the room would not have been locked. When she returned, she found that her purse, cell phone, computer, passport, Qatar diplomatic card, cash, credit cards and keys to her apartment had disappeared. . The damage was evaluated at more than 51,000 euros.

On the advice of the facility security officer and a management representative, the victim immediately filed a complaint. Quickly, a woman, filmed on arrival and when she left the hospital, was suspected.

The victim calls into question the safety of the Ile-de-France hospital

"According to the recording of the CCTV cameras of the American Hospital of Paris, this person arrived a few minutes after my exit from my room before leaving the place immediately after stealing my belongings, assures this member of the royal family of Qatar, quoted by the weekly. [...] For me, this simply means that the theft has been entirely engineered by someone internally at the American Hospital of Paris and that there is a lack of security and protection within this establishment. In addition, I tried to obtain amicable compensation for my injury, but I received in return only a lawyer's letter. I find this treatment very special. "

"I endured a lot of stress. The management of this hospital gives the impression of not being responsible for its patients, " adds the victim who also decided to assign the institution before the Criminal Court of Nanterre to seek compensation for moral and material damage. For its part, the hospital did not wish to comment on this case, says Le Point .

According to the information of the weekly, the suspect would have taken a picture and filmed with the phone of the victim. The latter was able to view the images thanks to a remote backup system. These data could prove invaluable for investigators.