SPIEGEL WISSEN has developed an eight-week coaching program for people with chronic pain that will help them to better understand and better manage their pain. This is the fifth part. The other parts can be found here in the following weeks.

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"You are in pain, then move more!" People with chronic pain hear this tip again and again - from family doctors and orthopedists, physiotherapists and well-meaning fellow human beings.

Similar to the theme of relaxation is also true here: Of course, that exercise can help relieve pain. Especially if you give it a possibly taken restraint, which often aggravates the pain. Keeping in motion, so as not to freeze in pain, is therefore highly recommended.

However, it does not do much to force you to do daily back training if you do not feel like it. Hanne Seemann, who has accompanied pain patients for many years in her psychotherapeutic practice, has repeatedly stated that neither pure relaxation nor pure actionism help.

"It is much more important to get a suitable and beneficial balance between exercise and calm and to feel when something helps," says sailor.

Therefore, this week's practical unit aims to engage with both sides - movement and relaxation - and combine them in a way that is good for you.

A good change

Below you will find a list of ideas for activity and exercise as well as for rest and relaxation. Read both lists and choose from each two suggestions that suit you and that may be good for you, including your pain and possible pain relief.

Important: As always, do what you like, what you like, and not what others have advised you to do.

Movement and activity:

  • Dance
  • Swim a few laps
  • Jogging or treadmill in the gym
  • strength training
  • to go biking
  • Chi Gong or Thai Chi
  • martial Arts
  • Football, basketball or another team sport
  • table tennis
  • Hiking or walking
  • Badminton, squash, tennis

Regardless of the list, consider again: What are pleasant activities for you? What moves you?

Relaxation and rest:

  • relaxation techniques
  • Laze on the sofa
  • Read
  • yoga
  • meditation
  • Painting or tinkering
  • Build something or fiddle around with something
  • Quiet talks
  • Sauna, steam room
  • Being in nature
  • listen to music

Regardless of the list, consider: What is a pleasant way of relaxing for you? What calms you?

If you have ever found one or two things in the area of ​​rest and motion that you like well, then try this week to include both sections in your daily routine as often as possible, but at least for three days. Very important: always ask yourself whether you would like peace or movement better - and follow that up.

Many people have good intentions at the beginning of the year, but how do you keep things going?
The special issue SPIEGEL COACHING "I'm fine" helps with six practical training programs developed by scientists to live healthier, more relaxed and happier lives. It is about better eating habits, more exercise in everyday life, successful Intervallfast, confident feeling management, positive quarrels and tricks to stay young in the head and body.

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If at the end of the week you notice that you are overemphasizing one of the two poles, ask yourself if this is typical for you and occurs frequently in your everyday life ("that's right, I'll often get myself moving and action") or if that's for It was new and was experienced as a balance ("true, finally I felt active, that was good").

In the next few weeks, try to keep track of when activity and when rest are good for you - and then follow it.

For each issue, SPIEGEL WISSEN offers a practical, easy-to-use everyday online coaching suitable for their particular issue.

Each coaching lasts eight weeks. During this time, you will always receive a tutorial by e-mail on Fridays that can help you to make your life better. Order the newsletter here:

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