The British rock singer Ozzy Osbourne ("Black Sabbath") has apparently recovered well after an emergency operation: On Instagram, he presented himself on Sunday best mood on the bedside. While the right hand has to rest with two thick bandaged fingers, he holds in his left an ice, into which he bites hard.

"Feel better after surgery. Ice cream helps." The fans seemed to be very happy - there were numerous black hearts and "Metal Fork" recovery wishes. An admirer of the "Prince of Darkness", however, seemed alarmed - and little convinced of the healing power of the ice cream: "Please do not die Ozzy," wrote Instagram user "mldalejandro".

Check out this post on Instagram

Feeling better after surgery. Ice cream helps

A post shared by Ozzy Osbourne (@ozzyosbourne) on Oct 6, 2018 at 5:28 PDT

The 69-year-old musician obviously does not intend to do that. The failed show in Mountain View was part of the ongoing "No more Tours 2" and should be rescheduled on 16 October. But already at the concerts on October 9, 11 and 13 in Chula Vista, Los Angeles and Las Vegas Osbourne wants to be fit again - he has announced on his website.

At the side of the rocker was daughter Kelly Osbourne, who said the injury was "nothing that could not heal a little rest, antibiotics and his favorite ice cream".

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