News from the island

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  • Trump renews his support for the Saudi crown prince and is not worried about accountability
  • France raises security alert after Strasbourg attack and port is still at large
  • The arrest of a lawyer and the prevention of the sale of yellow jackets .. Horror dominates Egypt ahead of the anniversary of the revolution

The heroes of the occupied Palestinian territories are still courageously defending the supreme meaning of sacrifice and resistance to the occupation. They have not surrendered to all the strict Israeli security measures. They have not obeyed the speeches of the Palestinian presidency criminal to the armed resistance or suppressed them. They have not been deterred by excessive force in their fight against the occupiers and the authorities. The resistance against the occupation, thus demonstrating through the media without shame.

But the hero of the process of "Ofra" ride his car and go towards the masses of rapists, who dance and celebrate the joy of the so-called "Hanukkah" - which they consider the holiest feast - and exchange cups of wine, to bequeathed hero from the nozzle of his machine gun of hell, saying "No feasts and security and Survival of the occupation on our land. " This heroic process comes in conjunction with the honorable memories of the history of the Palestinian people, the anniversary of the stone uprising and the start of the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas, to remind the occupation of the start of his pain, leaving his eyes on the way of his death and destruction from our land, despite his arsenals and tanks and the reasons of his strength.

The scenes of the Ayyash, Aqeel and Al-Anoud tournaments come back again with the appearance of the martyr Ahmed Jarrar and the assassin hero Ashraf Na'alwa who became an icon of the resistance and the chasers after he dawdled an entire army and exhausted its forces and budgets through intensive and continuous search operations in partnership with all the intelligence services of the occupation and its forces and agents. , Which all failed and still thanks to God, which prompted the occupation to announce rewards for those who come with information about the hero of the legend Ashraf Naalwa and his brothers.

The process of "Ofra" caused the dispersion of the army of occupation and a great panic in all its corners in search of the executor of the process, which withdrew back to its bases in peace, this approach, which has become a skill of the heroes of our geniuses, forcing the occupation to pay the price can not afford and makes him reflect on his racist policies unjust barbaric (Military, settlement, Judaization, racism, political) and force it to evoke the danger that threatens its entity, which, with the help of God, will disappear with every process.

The existential Zionist project is already threatened by the occupation entity being subjected to qualitative guerrilla operations in addition to demonstrations, skirmishes and all forms of resistance to peaceful and non-peaceful occupation.

The disappearance of the perpetrators of Operation Ofra and others and the inability of the occupation of their families or access to them until this moment, confirms that the occupied West contain resistors of the first geniuses are capable of striking the occupation and the corner and the digging of his nose in the dust is looking for their impact, and that the myth of the army invincible became a blink for the children of Palestine, Therefore, it is not impossible to carry out heroic operations well planned and planned, then withdrawal and disappearance, and then after a while to carry out more heroic operations, after taking precautions and good preparation, and thus drain the occupation and harm it.

The existential Zionist project is already under threat as to the occupation entity being subjected to qualitative guerrilla operations in addition to demonstrations, skirmishes and all forms of resistance to peaceful and non-peaceful occupation, which reject the survival of the occupation or even its existence. As a result of the operations of the resistance heroes in the occupied West Bank, 11 Zionist extremists were killed And the wounding of more than 80 others, not to mention 600 guerrilla operations managed by the occupation, which reflects the state of boiling in the Palestinian street at the level of popular organized and unorganized, which is the result of the development and growing awareness of the Palestinian people, which the occupation bet on the blur and still Seeking, using various illegal tools and means, not legally, internationally or humanely, within 24 hours the heroes of the West Bank 4 operations and their withdrawal and disappearance without knowing their identity.

One of the most serious violations of any occupation in the world is attrition, especially in the military, security, economic, infrastructure, and political fields, because the cost of occupying the land in this way is better than the occupation. , And leads to the rapid dismantling and end of occupation and here lies the importance of the processes of attrition.

The heroic guerrilla operations are a horror of the Zionist society, which leads to the creation of a state of instability and the preference for migration to more secure countries in Europe, in addition to the weakness of investment and tourism, which casts a shadow on the Zionist economy and affects negatively, the burden of the Israeli occupation government - International and Arab - and thus weaken and preoccupied with itself and spend on the restoration rather than the expansion and the establishment of more settlement projects increased and Judaization accelerated and abhorrent racism, as the occupied Jerusalem is witnessing the Judaization of public through the purchase of real estate and land Jerusalem property for settlers rapists.

Once again, the occupied Palestinian territories raise our heads high and take their role in the armed struggle and the glorious struggle to resist the occupation, and the loud rumor of the word "no" to humiliate "enough" Hwan and yes to the weapon and the resistance and the struggle, declaring that it is above all attempts of incitement and oppression practiced by the occupation and power through repression and assassinations And the arrests and arrests .. This process says the West Bank will not accept the occupation and will not allow him to accuse the land and the violation of the offer, such operations erupt revolution volcano in the release of the free homeland and push them to follow the footsteps of the heroes of the first, despite all the repression and abuse practiced against everyone who dismantles Freedom, dignity and resistance to the occupation.

The Palestinian Authority must stop all forms of security cooperation with those who raped our land, our sanctities and our Prophet's prisoner, and stop pursuing the resistance and its men.

The island

The operations of the West Bank are more painful and draining the occupation, and we note that their results are stronger, more accurate and more accurate than their predecessors, thanks to the development of planning and study that precede the implementation of the operations, and by dealing with the principle of secrecy and secrecy and distance from the eyes of occupation and power, In the execution, rapid swoop and pre-emptive disappearances, as we observe in the operations of legend Ahmed Jarrar, whose occupation of the State of the woes and its liver, many human and material losses as a result of intensive searches and successive pursuits, Long guerrilla operations on the tread.

The solidarity of the people of originality and nobility on the banks of Al Ayyash, Indians, Talabah, Jarrar and Na'ilah, has the great merit - after the Muawiyah of God - to keep our Mujahideen heroes chasing, as they are quick to hide them and shelter them or at least cover up and not to recognize them and to protect them and protect them, The efforts of the heroes of the operations, and we saw how the people of the West are fighting and clashing with the occupying forces in the incursions into towns, villages and homes in search of the legendary martyr Ahmed Jarrar months ago. And what is like today in the past, they are the people of the West return the ball in their response to the intrusions of the occupation army, and teach the nation the meanings of sacrifice and redemption.

From any people who are under occupation to defend themselves and defend their land and land by using all means and means, including armed ones, and to terrorize the occupation and target it in all its places on our land, destroy all its property and its barrenness and deprive it of security until it knows that its survival on our land is haraam. And the sacrifice and bear all the results whatever it is, as a tax of freedom to achieve, the freedom of the homeland is not free and does not come on a plate of gold .. The value of homelands is priceless, and the experience of Algeria, Afghanistan and Vietnam from us a long way.

The Palestinian Authority must cease all forms of security cooperation with those who raped our land, our sanctities and the path of our prophet, and refrain from pursuing the resistance and its men, but should adopt it as an option to liberate Palestine after the failure of the negotiations and settlement approach and the release of all elements of the resistance and its supporters. Sister Saha Jabara, return to the national row and embrace the people and trench in one trench to resist the occupation and confront and overthrow the deal century.