News from the island

  • Do not move your embassy to Jerusalem .. Arab League warns Brazil
  • Congress is seeking to vote today on a resolution condemning bin Salman's killing Khashoggi
  • The West's support for Ukraine in confronting Russia
  • Insurgent murder of a Russian killer killed 78 women
  • Russian spy Potina pleads guilty under deal with US prosecutors

Death seems to us very far, then the horizon we see when we sit on the seashore, listening to the timeless music that its waves form. Every time we hear of someone's death, we think that the horizon is still far beyond our imaginations beyond our dreams and imagines that death will knock our door gently when we end life as we wish. When we are tired and tired of muscles and bones, death comes to gently snatch the soul as a nurse From the hand of a patient.

We have seen death on television killing the martyrs, in Gaza we saw the bodies of brothers filled with bullets and in Iraq saw the remains on the gates of markets and on the roads and in Madaya Today we saw hunger became a beast that kills the body of adults and children alike but in fact closer to us than we imagine because he wrote on us A day we wrote life, as if it were a single condition. We thought that death only touched their doors and only reaped their lives because it was written on them while life was written on us.

But with all the temptations and pleasures forget and forget that every passing day brings us closer and that every minute gone will never return except for those moments we spend in order to spread good and good work and spread beauty in a world where the abundance of the atrocities, those moments alone What remains to remind the world Let us leave to stay home. They meet like dewdrops forming a cloud that keeps us on a day when nothing is wrong.

Death reminds us that no matter how we become in this life, no matter how arrogant, arrogant, ill-treated or sensed, a day will come when we will taste the same end whether we are kings or obsessed people

One of them was asked on the bed of death if he had returned to him for years, what he would have done to make sure that he would do good and help people, and that that is what makes our life on its edge meaning: benefit us and ourselves, I have succeeded in her zakha and disappointed her. It is very difficult to learn about the death of someone who does not separate your birth from a few days. She wrote to us life in the same month to leave her house to stay and I kept not aware of the date of my death and no land I die. All I know is that life goes on and days go on as we race every day for trivial things.

The mother of the warrior, who grew up the father's orphan, left a child and a child not more than five months old. They as well as all those who died before did not know that they would die the next day. She was hit by a speeding car whose owner thought that spending his belongings quickly was more important than people's lives. She grew up an orphan because a speeding car ran over her father twenty-six years ago and today he wrote orphans to her children for the same reason.

Multiple causes and one death. Death reminds us that no matter how we become in this life, no matter how arrogant, arrogant, abused or sensed, a day will come when we will taste the same end whether we are kings or obscure people. Her husband asked the emptiness in tears for those who left your children, my dear, I considered myself a child for you as well? "I left you to the one who created it and created all of us, my child, who is able to restore thoughts and restore fractures."

She was not aware that only months after she had put her baby down she would leave him before he was stoned. She did not know she would leave before seeing her daughter's first year of school. They will ask her when they grow up and look at her pictures repeatedly, they will call her and be proud of them, but they will never find a bosom that does not change the warmth of the times of time. Arham pay and the graves of swallowing and treachery forget that Overna luck not have everything in this world, but God came with a healthy heart.