The Berlin star chef Tim Raue will soon open a new restaurant in Potsdam - in the Villa Kellermann. The historic building has long been owned by Günther Jauch. That confirmed the TV presenter Jauch Saturday. The villa will be at least partially open to the public again.

First, the "Potsdamer Neuesten Nachrichten" had reported on the cooperation of the two celebrities. What should be served in Raue's new restaurant, moderator Jauch told the newspaper not yet. Tim Raue himself did not want to comment on the request of the newspaper.

Günther Jauch had bought the villa diagonally opposite the castle Cecilienhof already three years ago - what some already knew and many had guessed - it goes on. At present, Jauch has her renovated in accordance with the monument. Construction is scheduled to be completed by fall.

Built in 1914, Villa Kellermann am Heiligen See is named after the writer Bernhard Kellermann, who is best known for his novel "The Tunnel". In GDR times it was a public meeting place for intellectuals, artists and writers. After the turnaround, a restaurant with Italian cuisine was run there for several years.

The "Potsdamer Neuesten Nachrichten" write, Tim Raue gets Potsdam his third star chef after Alexander Dressel (Restaurant "Friedrich Wilhelm) and David Schubert (" Kochzimmer ").