Anyone who has used the dining car in the ICE as a rolling office so far, was asked by the waiters again and again, wegzustecken his laptop. But here the railway has changed its policy. In the old menus there was still the hint, guests like to do without the use of electronic devices. This is missing now.

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A rail spokeswoman says the use of laptops in the on-board restaurant is not prohibited. "Rather, we appeal in the use of consideration for traveling guests." Employees would decide situationally and, if necessary, personally address the guest on the topic. "If only a few guests are in the on-board restaurant, a guest with a laptop will not bother." Laptop, mobile phone and tablet have become an integral part of everyday life today and would be used everywhere.

However, longer phone calls remain undesirable - one wants to avoid "loud monologues" of passengers, by which other passengers might feel disturbed. With the pictograms showing a crossed out phone, you want to point out passengers. A short telephone conversation or a quiet conversation would certainly not disturb the restaurant guests, the spokeswoman said. Also on this topic, one relies on individual case decisions of the employees, who would then address the guest in case of need personally.

Number of dishes has been significantly reduced

Since December 2018, Deutsche Bahn has relied on a modified gastronomy concept, it should address "more guests and in the end, of course, make more sales," it says in an internal presentation. The on-board catering was "a decisive reason", why guests opted for the train. The new concept was not developed in the ivory tower.

In addition to new dishes ("sets the food in a new scene"), there is now also every product to take to the square. The number of courts was significantly reduced, also to simplify the error-prone and complex logistics. The railway calls this the "less-is-more-principle".

However, rail still has to contend with the fact that there are too few goods on board or the technology in the dining car fails. Nevertheless, one believes in the web, that the new concept could do much better. In the internal presentation for the employees to the innovations it says: "We are curious how much our guests with this selection still voluntarily take food on the train."

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