Apple Electronics plans to launch three new iPhone X phones, which were unveiled last year. Bloomberg said the three phones will vary in price, size and specifications to suit different segments of consumers.

These three phones will not differ in their design significantly from the original phone "iPhone X", where Apple plans to postpone making significant changes to the phone to next year, the sources said.

The iPhone X was not a big success, as economic analysts had hoped before it was launched in November, but it has achieved good sales that helped Apple increase its market share in mobile phones.

Bloomberg said Apple's goal now is not to attract new millions of iPhone users, but to steadily raise phone prices while expanding the number of active devices to support sales of digital services such as video and music, as well as stimulating phone sales.

Bloomberg quoted Jane Monster, a specialist analyst at Apple, as saying that the iPhone has entered an annual growth stage of between 0 and 5 percent, adding that the company's steps this fall will help keep this Approach.