Actress Heide Keller, 79, the long hostess Beatrice played on the "dream ship" holds Florian Silbereisen for a miscast on the ZDF steamer. "With the" dream ship "captain, you do not associate a happy boy, who hops around with good humor to music on stage," she said on Friday the German Press Agency.

The captain on the "dream ship" is not a nice entertainer. "This is a man to whom you entrust your life even in storm and disasters," said the actress. Of course, Silbereisen has a large audience, and she wishes him to stay that way forever. "But I think the decision is a total miscast."

Keller had hired with the start of the series in 1981 on the "dream ship". By the end of 2017 - more than 35 years - she played there the kind-hearted hostess Beatrice. In this time she experienced all "dream ship" captains up to Sascha Hehn. His successor is now showmaster Florian Silbereisen, as the ZDF announced on Friday.

DPA / Clear

Heide Keller 1982 with Horst Naumann as ship's doctor, Heinz Weiss as captain and Sascha Hehn as steward

"Maybe Florian Silbereisen is an undiscovered natural talent as an actor, I can not judge," Keller said. But she does not think that was the key to the decision. "It was the stupid view of the quota ZDF probably believes that he brings his entire audience." This audience would enjoy the singer and presenter Silbereisen.

"The dream ship has a different audience, and I think this crowd wants a captain who is in the tradition of captains so far," said Keller. "Where do you want to buy the uniform for him? In the costume section?" The ZDF did not want to comment on that.

Harald Schmidt, on the other hand, welcomes the appointment of Florian Silbereisen as "Traumschiff" captain. Watch this video in the video his assessment of board.