As a continuation of what we mentioned in the previous entry, the determination of the Christians led by Alfonso VIII to begin the assembly of a large Crusade with the help of the Pope of Rome and the kings of Castile, Leon and Aragon after the removal of the differences that were between them; to wash the shame that was suspended after the defeat of the Arak that the Almohads.

Then we moved to the beginning of the Caliph al-Muhadi al-Nasir to the religion of Allah by equipping the army of Muslims to confront this new crusade, and what followed it from the mistakes of al-Nasir to the religion of Allah, which he committed during his way to the battle site from the siege of Qal'at Salbata and its impact on the army of Muslims. From the mistake of killing the famous Andalusian leader Abu Hajjaj Yusuf bin Qadis after taking the words of the minister and the lining of the bad Abu Said bin Jameh .. In this post, we will complete what we started, speaking about:

Al-Nasir's plan for God's religion and following mistakes

The two teams prepared for the terrifying clash and Nasser Al-Muhadi was self-confident and confident of victory to reduce the vanity of vanity due to the great armies Almohadip, which amounted to half a million, and Thania punishment at the foot of the mountains of badges near Madrid is currently the subject of fighting that broke out in 15 zero year 609 AH.

For the sake of mistakes, it was very natural that the defeat took place. The Muslim volunteers attacked the front of the Christians, but they suffered a severe blow to the fighting heart of the Castilian.

In addition to the previous mistakes, Al-Nasir has set an abnormal plan in the order of his army and his division, where he was not pleased with the approach of the former. He did not read the history as read by Al-Mawdhi and Yusuf ibn Tashifin. He divided his army into a front and rear teams, , And the number of one hundred and sixty thousand volunteers, put them at the forefront of the army and behind them the uniformed army uniform.

Although these volunteers are eager to fight, they do not have the experience and the know-how to fight, as is the case with that chosen group of the best fighters of the Christians, who are at the forefront of their army.

Nasser was supposed to put the religion of God at the forefront of the army those able to repel the first attack of the Christians, so as to take the first steps in the site, and thus raise the morale of Muslims and demoralize the Christians, but the opposite is what happened; where put the volunteer in the forefront, Andalusians in the army, and still pain and heartburn lies in their hearts because of the killing of their Andalusian leader Mujahid Abo Hajjaj Yusuf bin Qadis, was a mistake too - to make them receive the first shock of the Christians.

For the sake of mistakes, it was very natural that the defeat took place. The Muslim volunteers attacked the front of the Christians, but they were very shocked by the heart of the Castalians who were trained to fight.

The Christian preacher managed to penetrate the entire volunteer corps, which, as we mentioned, were sixty-one thousand fighters. They reached the heart of the uniformed army, which was able to repel the attack. However, the morale of the Islamic Army fell sharply; Much morale of the Christian army for the same result.

And when Alfonso VIII saw that the forces of trained periods to save the forefront of Christians, and indeed had a great impact, and returned the ball again to the Christians. In the meantime, there was a serious incident in the army of Muslims. When the Andalusians saw what happened in the Muslim volunteer, and the martyrdom of thousands of them, in addition to being fighting with the Almohads, believing in their number who are not sure of God, all these things were in their hearts.

The force of the Christians was launched after the punishment of the Muslims and their defeat was invaded by Biasah, leaving only the weak and the sick, so the Christians killed them all by the sword

When Muslims fled the land of the site, the Christians surrounded the army of the Muslims, and began to kill them, killing thousands of Muslims with the swords of the Christians that day, which was called the day of punishment or the battle of punishment. The Muslims defeated a severe defeat, and Nasser saved the religion of God from the land of the sign, and with him the remnants of the defeated defeated army, and wounded in all parts of his body. Al-Nasir said to the religion of Allah as he fled: "The truth of the Beneficent and the devil lie." Where he entered the site and he knows that Mansur dimension, he knew that this threw the devil and lie, Voleh defeated.

It was added to the bitterness of defeat that he committed another mistake, no less than his previous defeat and escape from the battlefield, that he did not stay after the punishment in the city immediately after the city of punishment, the city of Biassa, but fled and left, He left the two of them without protection and went to the city of Seville, and the strength of the Christians remains in their bones, and it is still very much.

The tragedies of Muslims after punishment:

The tragedy of Biassa:

The force of the Christians began after the punishment of the Muslims and their defeat in the position of punishment and broke the Biassa, and the people had abandoned them for fear of themselves, and left only the weak and sick, and they had gathered in the Mosque of the Great Mosque in the city to take shelter in it, the Christians killed them all sword. The admirer: "Either Biassa found it - Alfonso - or most of them free and burned their torment and ruined the largest mosque."


The owner of Al-Rawad Al-Matar said: "The city of Andalusia is the city of Andalusia, and it is a small town close to the Great River. It has many farms and wheat and barley crops. In the year nine hundred and six hundred, the masses of Christianity descended upon it after being punished. , As did its neighbors, the people of Biassa, did not lift those masses hand to fight until the sword, and killed a lot, and captured a lot.

Al-Marrakhi said in the admirer: "And Alfonso descended on the abyss, and the Muslims gathered there a large number of the defeated and the people of Biassa and the people of the country itself. He lived there for thirteen days, then entered it by force. And the boys filled with the whole country of Rome, it was the most severe of Muslims from defeat! ".

This overwhelming defeat was the first nail to strike in the coffin of the great monotheist state, signaling the collapse of their vast kingdom and the balance of power in Andalusia in favor of the Spaniards.

The situation of Muslims has deteriorated significantly in all the countries of Morocco and Andalusia, so historians have concluded that after the punishment, I would not find a young man to fight in the Maghreb or Andalusia, so one position was wasted and lost a state in the size and greatness of the Almohad state. Then Nasser al-Din al-Din withdrew more than he was. He withdrew from Sevilla to the Arab Maghreb, then I'tikaaf in his palace, and he chose his son as crown prince after him, and he did not exceed fifteen years.

The death of Nasser to the religion of God

Al-Nasir died after a period of one year in 610 AH (1214 AH). He died at the age of thirty-four. Some sources say that he died while he was determined to wage jihad in Andalusia. The country was later ruled by his crown prince and son Al-Mustansir Bilah, then only sixteen years old. As in the era of the kings of the sects, the secretariat is lost again, and the matter is extended to the non-people, and defeats Muslims after many years of ascension and sovereignty and empowerment of the Almohad state.

We can now limit the mistakes of the Prophet to the religion of God on his way towards punishment as follows:

First: prolonging the siege of the fortress of Salatra until the Christians were able to prepare and prepare.

Second: the use of the lining of bad, represented by the Minister of Bad Abu Said bin Jameh.

Third: the killing of the famous Andalusian leader Abi Al-Hajjaj Yusuf bin Qadis.

Fourth: Organizing the army and dividing it in the wrong land.

Fifthly, it is extremely dangerous to believe in the strength of numbers and numbers. Al-Nasir entered the signed religion of God. He believed that he was victorious. His army doubled the opposite army; hence, new nostalgic clouds appeared on the horizon. He said: "On a day of nostalgia, And none of the things of the earth pleased you.

This overwhelming defeat was the first nail to strike in the coffin of the great monotheist state, the collapse of their vast kingdom and the balance of power in Andalusia in favor of the Spaniards. There was joy and joy throughout Europe and special thanksgiving was given by Enosan III himself.