Myths spread in our society are not accepted by a rational mind, especially in this period of time, characterized by the spread and prosperity of local and foreign educational institutions adopted globally, and the graduation of generations of educated youth, not less than the counterparts in the West. Yet there are many in our society from adults to young people who believe in myths and stories that have no explanation or logic.

We do not read or scrutinize any information we receive, and believe what we hear from relatives as a dogma. For example, we take information from parents as irrefutable and skeptical about emotional reasons, even when they are uneducated.

It happens a lot in the boards to see someone cut his nails and is careful to throw them in the toilet or trash, not because he is very keen on the general cleanliness of the place, but because the nails if left in place brings poverty! This is a myth that we hear from many older people, and many people believe it. It has no roots in Shari'ah, and is refuted by the religious sites that are adopted. But many do not cost themselves a search beyond the pressure of a button.

Myths also dominate the intellectual circles, or those who are counted on this category. When you enter a bookstore or bookstore, or even carry an electronic copy, you find the following: «Dialogue with the reaping of a Muslim», or «Harnessing the kings of the jinn». These books are popular despite the fact that their content is myths, lies, jokes and sorcery, and if only the publishing house compels its authors to write the following words: The book is inspired by the adventures of Harry Potter fairy! How does anyone believe that Adam entered a world of gibia that only God knows and documented his journey in a book?

Another myth circulating about the Cave of the Cave, someone advised me that if I did not read the Sura on Friday I have a deadline until Tuesday to read it as a maximum or go to pay! This is a myth that confuses an obligation with prayer, with its exact timing, and reading the cave as a prophetic year every Friday.

Then what's the wisdom of choosing on Tuesday? It is the middle of the week when the weekend is on Fridays and Saturdays, and near the weekend when the leave is on Thursday and Friday, why not extend the deadline to the end of the week and we will read it twice retroactively!

Or when you sit at a dining table and cough someone up, the other said to him: "Limit your leg," or someone else will remind you! We do not know if it was an original myth or based on the famous chaos theory!

Although we live in the Age of Social Media, one of these so-called self-deluded people has never thought of coming up with meaningful videos that refute the fossilized ideas that are entrenched in the minds of many people, regardless of their level of education. Will not take the myth out of mind as long as the owner does not think about reading and educate himself and his community.

The university degree will not take the myth out of mind, as long as its owner does not think about reading and educating himself and his community.

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