Every morning, Michael Darmon evokes a specific subject of political life.

Since Wednesday, events have accelerated in the government with the departure of the government spokesman Benjamin Griveaux to focus on municipal in Paris. Why now when the announcement of a reshuffle is expected Friday?

A priori, one would have expected that Benjamin Griveaux wait for the moment when one announces a new composition of the government with his / her replacement. But the backroom of the government has been buzzing since the beginning of the week with the nomination of Nathalie Loiseau and the announcement of his resignation from his post as Minister of European Affairs.
There was, however, the case of spokesman Benjamin Griveaux to decide, we spoke to you earlier this week. In fact, Benjamin Griveaux had framed with Emmanuel Macron and Édouard Philippe the moment of his long departure. He would announce his candidacy for mayor of Paris and leave the government, just had to find the right moment.
Edouard Philippe would have preferred to leave later, but for several weeks now, Benjamin Griveaux did not hide his desire to regain his freedom of speech.

The Elysee wanted to restore order with the case Mounir Mahjoubi, declared rival of Benjamin Griveaux to the mayor of Paris. But above all, he had strongly charged his colleague Griveaux by saying that "those who want to leave the government to be candidates are deserters". Emmanuel Macron asked Mahjoubi to be consistent. Candidate for Paris, he must leave the government.
This release also looks like sanctions after its dialogues with the leaders of the Yellow Vests but especially its weak capacity to bring the important subject of the digital one. For months, he is the subject of severe criticism internally.

Candidates for the municipal campaign will prepare for the nomination contest in June. Is not it a bit messy all in the middle of the European campaign?

Emmanuel Macron has just wished the opposite to show that Griveaux and Loiseau leave with the blessing of the leader, which can cringe the other candidates walkers for Paris and who are contesting the nomination.
It is already moving lines since Wednesday night, the senator of Paris (Julien Bargeton) announced his withdrawal from the race and rallied to Benjamin Griveaux.
The former spokesman could formalize his candidacy tomorrow, he will then focus on supporting the campaign of Europeans and
List "Renaissance" led by Nathalie Loiseau and where the "at the same time" works rather well at this stage.

For the candidates in Paris, we are not there yet. For the moment, it is rather the list "Suspicion".

READ ALSO - Nathalie Loiseau, Benjamin Griveaux and Mounir Mahjoubi leave the government
READ ALSO - Municipal: Mounir Mahjoubi does not exclude a candidacy in Paris

READ ALSO - INFO EUROPE 1 - Benjamin Griveaux will resign on Wednesday to prepare the municipal elections in Paris

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