The cinematographic universe of Marvel, which has produced an incredible number of films over the past decade, managed to create the formula for an ideal cinema comic. However, with the release of each new picture, the viewer who is not involved in the world of Marvel has a catastrophic chance of understanding anything. The studio now and then organizes crossovers among the characters, intertwines movie plots, and, among other things, puts traps everywhere in the form of references to the events of past films, recalling that the worlds belong to a single universe.

April 29, the Avengers: Final, the last large-scale blockbuster of a studio about a superhero team, called to draw a line in the history of Avengers, is released in Russian hire.

The film tells about the events that occurred after the destruction of half of the Universe population by the titan Thanos. The surviving heroes have to come up with a new plan to confront the tyrant.

Thanos - the embodiment of death

The main antagonist of the latest films about the Avengers (although hints of his appearance repeatedly appeared and in solo films about superheroes) was born on one of Saturn's satellites - the planet Titan.

Thanos described his home world as a beautiful place. However, the paradise of Titan did not last long: because of the growing number of poor people and devastated resources, life on the planet fell into decay. This situation gave rise to Thanos’s own history of events (not selective) - with the elimination of half of the world's population, there will be opportunities for the other to survive.

  • Josh Brolin as Thanos
  • © A still from the movie "The Avengers: War of Infinity"

Such a motivation for the universal genocide is somewhat different from the one presented in the comics. There, insane Thanos, obsessed with the Lady of Death, did whatever she wished. Therefore, Thanos is a death-bearing character, not without reason called a derivative from the Greek Thanatos.

“This is a balance between life and death, the belief that life becomes uncontrollable and that it needs to be corrected. We wanted to make this a driving force in the pre-history of Thanos, ”said Marvel Studios president Kevin Faigy in an interview with Vulture.

Viewers have seen Thanos not only in "Guardians of the Galaxy" and "Avengers: War of Infinity." For the first time the character appeared after the credits of the first part of the "Avengers". There, he agreed with the god of deception of Loki, which will help him to invade the earth, and Loki in return will get him the Stone of the Cosmos (Tesseract).

The second time Thanos appeared in the first part of the Guardians of the Galaxy. There he made a deal with Ronan the Prosecutor in order to exterminate the inhabitants of Xandar, if he would get Thanos another Stone of Infinity (which, according to the laws of the genre, was located at the Star Lord).

The scene after the credits of the film “The Avengers: Age of Ultron” shows Thanos, who decides this time to do everything on his own - he puts on an empty Infinity Glove and goes in search of artifacts.

Already after the credits of the film “Thor: Ragnarok” Loki and Thor mark the ship of Thanos. His next appearance as a full-fledged antagonist occurred in the third "Avengers".

What give infinity stones

In total there are six Infinity Stones - the original crystals thrown into space after the Big Bang. Each of them is able to give the owner certain magical properties and power.

Mentions of the jewels, as well as of Thanos hunting them, appeared not only within the framework of the cinema franchise “The Avengers”. Around each of them in one way or another lined up the plots of some Marvel films.

Tesseract, or the Stone of Cosmos, is able to provide access to any point of the Universe. For the first time, we talked about him in the film “The First Avenger” - then the Red Skull tried to use it. Then the stone stole Loki.

The stone of reason increases the intellect of the owner and gives him the ability to read the mind and control the minds of others. After "The Avengers: Age of Ultron" stone passed into the possession of Vizhena.

  • Infinity Glove
  • © A still from the movie "The Avengers: War of Infinity"

The ether, or the stone of reality, is able to distort events, embodying the desires of the owner in reality. The former beloved Torah Jane Foster was exposed to the air in the film “Top 2: The Kingdom of Darkness”.

The Stone of Power (bestowing power, as the name implies) first appeared in The Guardians of the Galaxy — found by Peter Quill, but by the power of an artifact intended to take possession of Ronan the Prosecutor.

The stone of time (Glach Agamotto) is subject to any temporary change. He was talked about in a solo film about Doctor Strange. The artifact was handed over to the protagonist so that he defeated Kecilia and Dormamma. In War of Infinity, Strange saw 14 million outcomes due to the power of the stone.

The most mysterious remained the stone of the soul. About his whereabouts nothing was known. Later in the film “The Avengers: War of Infinity”, the foster daughter of Thanos Gamor told about where the stone is located, which Thanos eventually sacrificed for him.

Whom we will definitely see in the "Avengers: Final"

Along with half of the world's inhabitants, the Scarlet Witch (Wanda), Spiderman, Black Panther, Doctor Strange, Nick Fury, all Guardians of the Galaxy, except Rocket, Vision, Winter Soldier (Bucky Barnes) and Falcon disappeared.

Survived: Captain America, Hulk, Hawkeye, Thor, Iron Man, Black Widow, Rocket and Nebula. In addition, Capital Marvel will join the team of surviving Avengers, which Nick Fury has managed to call to help before the disappearance.

Obviously, Scott Lang (Ant-Man) will be among the Avengers. The character was not in War of Infinity, but in the film Ant-Man and Wasp, we saw that he was stuck in the quantum world at the moment that Osa, Hank Pym and his wife Janet disintegrated. The trailer of the last Avengers showed that Lang had escaped.

How the Avengers will save the universe

The promotional video for the final film about the Avengers showed that the surviving heroes will unite and try to save the disappeared friends. The main question is how this will happen.

According to the comic book The Infinity Gauntlet, creating an alliance, superheroes went to ask for help from the ancient entities of the universe. Galactus, Mephisto and the Living Tribunal intervened.

  • Iron Man, Thor, Captain America
  • © Frames from movies

However, the cinematic universe of Marvel does not always follow the plot of the comic. However, one of the most powerful heroines of the universe, Captain Marvel, will really help the Avengers in their fight against Thanos.

Among the fans of cinema franchise there is a widespread version that Loki will help the Avengers to defeat Tanos. His death was unexpected - God of deception could easily have dramatized death, outwitting everyone.

Perhaps the Avengers will turn to quantum theory for answers to questions. Fans of films about Ant-Man will surely remember how Janet van Dyne, who remained locked up in the quantum world, communicated with Scott Lang through telepathy. Probably, the characters will be able to use the quantum space to influence reality.