To make of your painful reality in a promising future and write hope in the letters of your suffering things can not do only a few oligarchs Muhammad Ali Clay star light the world sky with dazzling performance and the equivalent of speed of the hurricane and its impact as earthquakes on the faces of adversaries, Clay wall bent him the most noble legends of noble art to be the final outcome One of the best boxers of the world in the list of the best and there is Muhammad Ali Clay name written with letters of gold moved away from the rest of the rest.

January 1942 was a witness to the birth of a world legend and from the origin of Louisville, Kentucky American grew up Mohammed Clay or as his family called Cassius then grew up in the middle-income family and most of the people with black skin did not receive the attention of Mohammed American society, which was then the racism that was But the adaptation and strength of personality made Clay make his way to his goals, which changed from the study trail to boxing, where he discovered his talent by chance after the attempted theft, which he went to identify the police officer John Martin, who attracted Cassius and followed him Watt fixed at the age of twelve where he began training in the gymnasium.

Suffering, poverty, miserable living, causes failure to be a companion all the time but to make these things a catalyst and skip it already not only a comfortable living, but the most extreme phantoms

It was not surprising that Clay developed rapidly and was trained continuously to benefit both sides of Clay's skill, which culminated in the 1956 Golden Lightweight Glove. This was an incentive for Mohammed Ali to continue his brilliance as he glowed at the Rome Olympics with the US boxing team. He dropped the Polish name Zbigniew Peterskircki to hear the name of Clay in the world sky Balkmat knew the fastest and reached a speed of 900 km to be able to four years after his Olympic crown of the throne of the category of heavyweight in the world shine Mohammed Ali Clay.

He was not only in the boxing ring. He was brave in his temper outside the ring, where he clashed with the US government and refused to join the US Army, which was fighting the Vietnam War at that time. He was imprisoned for five years as a punishment for refusing to serve his country or the US government convicted him unfairly. Mohammed Ali on his rejection of this penalty five years, where Clay missed the lights of the ornament, but did not lose his name for the world sky did not extinguish the candles of love in the hearts of his fans to leave after the Clay Clay from the prison walls to the lights of stardom again against the century against Fraser and also named because of exposure Both boxers For any defeat throughout their march to ignite the war of statements on both sides.

The atmosphere was very charged and the competition was the most to be the end of the height of the heel of Clay and the fall of the volume of Fraser successive victories and continuous brilliance enabled him to restore the title of the world in front of the monster Foreman and the march of more than fifty-six victories Thirty-seven of them ended with a knockout ended the march of the hero and defender of the Muslim views on the path of humiliation But Mohammad Ali continued to spread love through charity to be the shock of the opponents before the lovers Mohammed Ali Clay stops playing his favorite sport because of the disease of the disease to worsen the situation after that and aggravated the aches of my self, but self-pity is a march His creativity and three world titles within twenty years.

An immortal march and brilliance by which Muhammad Ali Clay carved his name in gold letters in the hearts of lovers before the same name was engraved in the list of the best in history and with amazing numbers kept in the bloggers' records to cover the human page in 2016 after the end of the sport years before it to remain forever Over the years and in the forums of celebrities hung star lit the walls of Hollywood to remain Mohammed Clay legend in the world of noble art and wall to defend his views outside.

Suffering, poverty, living hardship, reasons to make failure companion all the time, but to make these things incentive and skip it is not only a comfortable living, but even Panomiya maximum brilliance and remained resonant frequented even after the retirement of the track is not easy at all and even lift hats honor For such a will and respect for the athlete used his fame to build a wall defending his views as a Muslim and challenging the mistakes of major governments at a time when the other way of flattery in order to benefit and access to his personal interests and this made Muhammad Ali Clay symbol of boxing sport and science remains at a time when the flags were Prominent in some day.