The search for the missing football professional Emiliano Sala by the local authorities is to be continued with a private donation campaign. In the account "NoDejenDeBuscar" (Do not stop searching) crowdfunding has raised more than 190.000 Euro.

In order for the sum to actually be used, however, the previously defined minimum limit of 300,000 euros must be reached.

According to Argentine sports newspaper "Olé", the family of the Argentine striker had launched the fundraising campaign on the Internet portal Gofundme. However, the originator is the Paris based football agency Sport Cover, which has a donation of 20,000 euros.

Location: Next to @CorentinTolisso from @FCBayern & @IlkayGuendogan from @ManCity donated now @NordiMukiele from @RBLeipzigArg for the search for #EmilianoSala - 145.000 EUR in 24 hours - >>> @sportschau @ BILD_Sport @SPIEGEL_Sport @ntvde_sport @dpa_sport

- GoFundMe Germany (@GoFundMeDE) January 26, 2019

Several football players drew attention to the action on Twitter, including Bayern Munich's Frenchman Corentin Tolisso and Ilkay Gündogan, Manchester City midfielders.

Thoughts and prayers to the family of Emiliano Sala, truly sad and tragic But there's hope that he's still alive. Please share this:

- Ilkay Gündogan (@IlkayGuendogan) January 25, 2019

The small plane with Sala on board had probably crashed on Monday evening over the English Channel. The 28-year-old was on his way from Nantes to his new club in Cardiff.

Guernsey police said on Thursday that the search had been halted for lack of survival.

Sala's sister, who flew from Argentina to Cardiff, had said in front of running TV cameras, "Please, please, do not stop looking, I know in my heart that Emiliano is still alive." The football professional's father had also pleaded with the British authorities to continue searching: The only thing I ask for is to continue the search. He can not just be gone. "

Argentina's President Mauricio Macri and football superstar Lionel Messi also appealed to continue the search.