It is truly a paradoxical world. While millions of people around the world are spending a lot of money to lose weight, millions are struggling to get one meal a day that can not be more than a loaf of bread or bread. The world is now accustomed to hunger and starvation, Third, but things seem to get worse: Hunger is no longer confined to Third World countries. First world countries, especially Britain, are the fifth most powerful economy in the world. A group of members of the British Parliament, A new minister of "hunger" will be tasked with working on a cure The problem of hunger and food security in Britain, where a study of «UNICEF» that nearly 20% of children under the age of 15 in Britain live with adults can not provide them enough food, so that some children eat of garbage, One of every 10 students is dependent on charity food banks.

The problem of hunger, caused by poverty, has become a global problem, and almost no country has been delivered. There are countries that are not ashamed of the problem, trying to treat it, publishing statistics and reports, and there are countries where discussing these matters is taboo. Working together, especially civil society institutions and individuals. Some of us read such news and turn the page to read something else or feel distressed then go on, others think about doing something, but do not know what to do. I think we can all contribute to solving the problem of hunger in our Arab world in general, and in our social environment in particular, and one of the things that can be done to donate to charitable food banks, it is enough to look for the word "food bank" on the Internet to find many of them. Donations can also be made through accredited associations. It is important to make a monthly donation, for example, monthly, or to pay an annual sum sufficient to support a family or student for a year, which is simple and will not strain our budget.

Hunger is the most humiliating form of human dignity, the one that the Almighty has honored in all religions, the self-possessed person who revived it as if he had revived all people. We all need to join together and have mercy on each other, and we do not wait for the hungry to extend his hand to steal or beg, but to extend our hand to meet his need and preserve his dignity.

I think we can all contribute to solving the problem of hunger in our Arab world in general and in our social environment in particular.


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