"We received a big, serious request from veterans of the Afghan war ... It was a cry from the heart, they were offended by this picture," Mikhalkov said during a press briefing dedicated to the opening of the festival.

According to him, it is necessary to take responsibility and show a controversial film if the picture is worth it, but the situation is different with “Brotherhood”.

“In my opinion (this is my personal point of view), this is quite an average of a cliché woven piece, the basis of which is a fetish of ideas about the Afghan war as it was presented by the authors. The festival, the members of the commission, all the others did not consider the quality of this film (sufficient. - RT ) in order to break spears because of it, to fight and thereby raise its rating, ”the director said.

He added that “Brotherhood” is not the best picture of Lungin, and therefore it was decided to replace it with a tape about Mikhail Gorbachev.

Earlier, the program director of the Moscow International Film Festival, film critic Kirill Razlogov, commented to NSN on the abolition of the film “Brotherhood”.